Badr Nofal
Badr Nofal
Top Movie Cast
Love Above Pyramid's Plateautrue Love in a Jail Celltrue- Farid Abdul Hai Saladin the Victorioustrue- Damascene Mamnue liltalabatrue- فايز بيه عبد البر All Goodtrue- Abd-Elaziz / Kamal's Father The Witness Who Didn't See Anythingtrue- المحامي خليفة خلف الله Those Gentlementrue- Abdullah - Fawzia's father We Only Live Oncetrue- ناظر المدرسة بالسلوم Jail Celltrue- Abd Elkhalek Al Ghoultrue- Dr. Younis Awadallah, lawyer عريس مع إيقاف التنفيذtrue Please, kill metrue- زناتي The Black Candlestrue- Mansour The Time of Hatem Zahrantrue رجل زائد عن الحاجةtrue- Youssef The Thugtrue- عسكري الدورية أنا الهاربtrue- detective officer Love of my lifetrue- taxi driver Death of Wolvestrue- Shawki Al-Hadidi Sayed The Servanttrue- Maghawy Marriage on the Modern Waytrue Soultantrue- مخبر لسلطان وللبوليس معا Struggle of the Heroestrue- سويلم Eashiqat nafsihatrue- Dalal's aunt's husband Al Shaytan wal Khariftrue A Distress Call From The Other Worldtrue The Rebelstrue- أوش الله - مريض Al Sharidatrue- أمين البواب The second groomtrue- Hamza Ebnaty Wal-Ze'abtrue- Mohamed Jawhar - Prison Warden Tareeq El Demoaatrue- Hassan Fattah Tabhas Aaan El Hobtrue Verdict at hearing's endtrue Ramadan On The Volcanotrue Maganeen Ala Al-Tareeqtrue A Voice From The Pasttrue Top Movie Crew
The Bedouin LovertrueWriting