Two reserved people, almost resigned to their loneliness, found each other at the Soviet-era sea resort on the late autumn. Long dinners with senceless conversations transform into a love story.
Incredible tapestry of desert images shot by Kate McCabe, woven to music by Brant Bjork. Duna Records.
Ice skating is becoming a more and more popular activity, especially with ice arenas making it possible to skate in warmer climes and ice shows bringing the beauty of figure skating to the masses. For the novice skater just learning, there will be the inevitable bumps and falls. New skaters learn that their skate blades have an inside and outside edge. Basics they learn are how to glide properly and how to stop. Most maneuvers conducted by figure skaters are based on figure eights, figure threes and loops. Other areas of the arts and entertainment mesh with figure skating, such as music, fashion and dance. The most famous professional revue, the Ice Follies, incorporates many other aspects of entertainment into their show beyond the basic ice skating.
In the midst of the current recession, a series of disastrous telephone messages triggers a major domestic crisis fro the Kosnicks, a yuppie couple at the end of their rope. In the height of their despair, a door-to-door salesman tries to sell them a book about positive thinking, but for the Kosnicks it may be too late...
Pippi Olivia Norgaard Skov has created an intimate and personal portrait of his great brother Mads Holger, who took his own life in the summer of 2016 at the age of 38 years. Mads Holger was known as a lively entrepreneur, debutor and provocator who, with his sharp pen and big arm movements, unmistakably impressed Copenhagen and the public debate in Denmark
A three-part retrospective with notes from Gibson, Wallace, producers Bruce Davey and Alan Ladd, Jr., unit manager Kevin de la Noy, cinematographer John Toll, and 2nd unit director/stunt coordinator Mic Rodgers. The show looks at the project's development from the Gibson/studio point of view, Gibson's work as director and the challenges of doing "double duty" as an actor, editing and music, sets and locations, logistics, stunts and action scenes, and various other production concerns.
A Villista girl and a Huertista boy -- can their love cross ideological lines and heal a trembling nation?
What would you do if you saw a terrible film and your name was Christopher Ford?
Big Bird and his Sesame Street friends are mysteriously expelled from their neighborhood, finding themselves in Manhattan. They team up with a plucky history show host Sally Hawthorne who’s on a quest to save her show and prove that Sesame Street actually exists, with obstacles created by the “evil” Mayor, with reasons of his own for keeping Sesame Street hidden from the world.
Speedy Gonzales and a little boy mouse watch a broken television set in a junkyard using their imaginations to create a picture...
Video games are an art form in the eyes of Chris Marquez, a youtuber critic who travels to Japan to interview three of the world's leading game designers.
Based on the story of Leonid Andreev. St. Petersburg, 1905. A poor student moves to the estate of a wealthy aristocrat to become his son's teacher, and tries to unravel the crazy secrets that the owner of the house keeps.
This documentary-style film recreates the infamous Asama Sanso Incident of 1972 wherein an extreme faction of the Students Allied Red Army holed themselves up in a mountainous cabin in the dead of winter. By the time the police finally caught up with them, it was discovered that they had murderously turned upon themselves in a bizarre extension of their radical philosophy. This event virtually marked the end of the Student Revolution.
Enric Marco, ex-president of the Spain’s main deportees’ association, embarks on a car trip to Germany, a demythologising journey into his past. Two years earlier, a historian had shown that Enric Marco wasn’t the member of the Resistance he had claimed to be, and that he’d made up the stories of his experiences in a concentration camp that he had been recounting on television for years. Now, Marco retraces the route of his 1941 train journey as part of a convoy of workers sent by Franco to Hitler, in the middle of the Second World War.
Larry Malone sets up his brother Dave to get rid of Murphy, a rival gang leader, and then informs on Dave to have him convicted of murder. In one simple act of double-dealing he, consequently, removes both his main rivals and clears the way for expansive future plans for his crime family.
A film pastorale set in the early summer near Elora, Ontario, where music students practice out-of-doors. Lush green fields, towering elms and a rippling stream near an old farmhouse provide a rich setting for young musicians playing solo or in groups on flutes, strings, and piano. Music has charm indeed when the mood is of lilac and the sweet pipings of spring.