Nikolai Pastukhov
Nikolai Pastukhov
Top Movie Cast
Такой странный вечер в узком семейном кругуtrue Lost in Siberiatrue- Uncle Misha An Unfinished Piece for Player Pianotrue- Porfiry Semyonovich Glagolyev The Taming of the Shrewtrue Oblomovtrue- Stoltz's father With You and Without Youtrue Wandering Sagittariustrue- Ded Germana At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Owntrue- Липягин A Slave of Lovetrue- writer Beginning of the Pathtrue Avariya - Cop's Daughtertrue- Valeria's grandfather Investigator by Professiontrue- Gubanov We Lived Next Doortrue- Ivan Dmitriyevich How Is It Going, Crucians?true- полковник Иннокентий Всеволодович Картошкин According to 206...true- секретарь райкома Police Academy: Mission to Moscowtrue- Patriarch A Few Dropstrue- Андрей Иванович Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk Districttrue- Зиновий Борисович The Wedding Day Has to Be Specifiedtrue- Петр Андреевич Шитов Uncle Vanyatrue- Iliya Ilich Telyegin Mute Witnesstrue- Janitor Presumption of Innocencetrue- Pyotr Nikitich The Russia Housetrue- Uncle Matvey On the Day of the Holidaytrue- Grinin From Dawn Till Sunsettrue On the Eve of the Premieretrue- Ivan Maksimovich The Autumn Campaign of 1799true