Jack Kenney
Jack Kenney
Top Movie Cast
Up in Daisy's Penthousetrue- Chopper Pop Goes the Easeltrue- Laughing Art Student (uncredited) Uncivil Warriorstrue- Soldier (uncredited) Punch Drunkstrue- K.O. Cornerman (uncredited) When the Clock Strikestrue- Cafe Proprietor A Tragedy at Midnighttrue- Cab Driver (uncredited) Bowery at Midnighttrue- Usher (uncredited) The Toast of New Yorktrue- Deputy Sheriff (uncredited) House of Waxtrue- Lodger (uncredited) The Gang's All Heretrue- Henchman Dink Movie Maniacstrue- Studio Employee (uncredited) Let No Man Write My Epitaphtrue- Shabby Man (uncredited) The Catered Affairtrue- Taxi Driver (uncredited) Racket Busterstrue- Truck Driver (uncredited) Let's Fall in Lovetrue- Movie Set Crewman Dick Tracy's G-Mentrue- Ward Daredevils of the Red Circletrue- Steve A Star Is Borntrue- Nightclub Patron (uncredited) The Big Noisetrue- Schmidt's Henchman (uncredited) You Can't Cheat an Honest Mantrue- Barker (uncredited) Nancy Drew... Reportertrue- Gym Spectator with Cigar (uncredited) Wyoming Outlawtrue- Radioman Doyle Hell's Kitchentrue- Pants - a Henchman (uncredited) Noose for a Gunmantrue- Shotgun Guard (uncredited) Crime Wavetrue- Lefty (uncredited) Deadline at Dawntrue- Headwaiter (uncredited) The Payofftrue- Gambling House Cashier (uncredited) The Joker is Wildtrue- Hotel Clerk (uncredited) I Take This Womantrue- Clinic Well-Wisher with Cigar (uncredited) Brother Orchidtrue- Acquaintance (uncredited) 'Neath Brooklyn Bridgetrue- Kenny (uncredited) Somebody Up There Likes Metrue- Reformatory Guard (uncredited) Dangerous Blondestrue- Motor Officer Kelly (uncredited) Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc.true- Police Lt. Berke In Old Montereytrue- Sergeant with Cigar You're a Sweethearttrue- Pete (uncredited) The Tin Startrue- Sam Hodges Atlantic Citytrue- Ed Gallagher Jackass Mailtrue- Train Conductor Vice Raidtrue- Mob Boss Leo Dempsey Invisible Invaderstrue- Car Crash Victim Gun Fighttrue- Jake (as Jack Kenny) The Gambler Wore a Guntrue- Bartender Fall Intrue- Cigar Store Customer Chicago Syndicatetrue- Crowd Member at Murder Scene (Uncredited) Mission to Moscowtrue- Heckler (uncredited) Manhattan Melodramatrue- Policeman (uncredited) Adventuretrue- Man in Library (uncredited) The Hard Waytrue- Theatrical Agent (Uncredited) Guns, Girls and Gangsterstrue- Armored Car Guard (uncredited) Don't Bet on Blondestrue- Telephone Bet Taker (Uncredited) Maisie Gets Her Mantrue- Man in Office (Uncredited) A Dog's Best Friendtrue- Motel Proprietor (uncredited) Sleepy Lagoontrue- Lug (uncredited) New York Confidentialtrue Frankenstein 1970true- Assistant Cameraman (uncredited) Curse of the Faceless Mantrue- Police Officer (uncredited)