Max Hoffman Jr.
Max Hoffman Jr.
Top Movie Cast
Kid Galahadtrue- (uncredited) Rootin' Tootin' Rhythmtrue- Jed, the Apache Kid Freckles Comes Hometrue- Hymie Swing It, Sailor!true- Hardy King of Hockeytrue- Torchy Myers Man From Headquarterstrue- Gang Leader Louis Padroni Radio Patroltrue- Harry Selkirk Smashing the Racketstrue- 1st Protection Racket Thug Angels Wash Their Facestrue- Reporter (uncredited) Kid Nightingaletrue- Fitts Smashing the Money Ringtrue- Guard George Shelden (uncredited) King of the Underworldtrue- Second Policeman (uncredited) Wings of the Navytrue- Drilling Officer Undercover Agenttrue- Slicker - Henchman Confessions of a Nazi Spytrue- Soldier at Renz's Arrest (uncredited) Hell's Kitchentrue- Gladstone Coach (uncredited) Each Dawn I Dietrue- Gate Guard (uncredited) The Daredevil Driverstrue- Joe Bailey Dust Be My Destinytrue- Doctor (uncredited) The Devil's Saddle Legiontrue- Butch Brother Orchidtrue- Policeman #2 (uncredited) Virginia Citytrue- Union Sergeant (uncredited) The House Across the Baytrue- Driver Castle on the Hudsontrue- Warden's Clerk (uncredited) Stranger on the Third Floortrue- Charlie, the Third Cab Driver (uncredited) The Cowboy Quarterbacktrue- Lon King - Packers Player They Died with Their Boots Ontrue- Sergeant Reading Telegraph Copy (uncredited) The Wife Takes a Flyertrue- Sergeant The Great Mr. Nobodytrue- Policeman The Go-Gettertrue- Macon Navigation Officer (uncredited) A Fugitive from Justicetrue- Police Officer (uncredited) On Dress Paradetrue- Sergeant in the Trench (uncredited) The Game That Killstrue- Bill Drake Highway Westtrue- Motorcop (uncredited) Marked Womantrue- Reporter #3 (voice) (uncredited) Money and the Womantrue- Detective Driving Car (uncredited) Black Dragonstrue- Kearney Invisible Stripestrue- Chauffeur Showing Off Car (uncredited) Counterfeit Ladytrue- Kit Ambushtrue- Motorcycle Officer Sam Moore Sergeant Murphytrue- Sergeant Connors