Igor Yasulovich
Igor Yasulovich
Top Movie Cast
Молодые людиtrue- официант The Diamond Armtrue- собакозаводчик 12 Chairstrue- инженер Щукин To the Stars by Hard Waystrue- Torki I Love You, Petrovich!true- Petrovich Treasure Raiderstrue- Messenger It Can't Be!true- Lyolik / Guest at the Wedding The Wizard of Oztrue- (voice) Neustanovlennoye Litsotrue Once Upon A Time There Was A Brave Captaintrue Once Upon a Time Twenty Years Latertrue- Толя Клинков (капитан 2-го ранга одноклассник) Guest from the Futuretrue- Elektron Ivanovich, sotrudnik KosmoZoo Kogda My Byli Schastlivytrue- Professor Rosenberg The Russian Singertrue- Pjotr Demichev Vacation at Your Own Expensetrue- Orlov's Referent Welcome to the Family: Chef from Naplestrue 100 grams for Braverytrue- Larichev Major 'Whirlwind'true- Driver Appel Welcome to the Familytrue And the Wind Returns...true Waterlootrue- Officer (uncredited) Eight Days of Hopetrue- Горленко, предст. обл. комиссии The Purple Balltrue- Кащей Ruslan and Ludmilatrue- Finn His Nickname Is Beasttrue- Данилин Scarlet Flowertrue- Greek and Tatar Marquis de Sadetrue- father Paul The Artist from Gribovtrue- Leonid Martynenko Mio in the Land of Farawaytrue- Eno / Carpetbeater The Sky Behind the Cloudstrue About Businessman Fomatrue The City of Masterstrue- Firen jr. The Battle after the Victorytrue Mary Poppins, Goodbyetrue- Park cleaner The Most Charming and Attractivetrue- Reseller I'll Overcome Everythingtrue The fairy-tale world of Aleksandr Ptushkotrue- Finn - the good wizard The Black Monktrue- Black Monk Who Will Pay For Luck?true The Criminal Quartettrue- Man from the cemetery The Golden Calftrue- Car Enthusiast Life Is Beautifultrue- Prisoner The Adventures of Count Nevzorovtrue- граф Шамборен ВГИК100. Признание в любвиtrue- self Love Awaits Those Who Returntrue According to the Laws of Wartrue During a Beautiful Childhoodtrue Three Minutes to Exactlytrue The Secret of the Third Planettrue- Earer (voice) Vitya Glushakov - A Friend of the Apachestrue- Pyotr Sergeevich Glushakov, Viti's father How They Joke in Odessatrue Chest of Drawers Was Lead Through the Street...true- хозяин велосипеда (новелла «Грабёж среди бела дня») Save Pushkintrue- Pushkinist Don't Even Thinktrue- Professor Tarakanov Unexpected, Unforeseentrue- Krasnopyorov Why Wouldn't We Send... a Messenger?true- Mad man 4 Taxidrivers and a Dogtrue I Don't Want to Be a Grown-Uptrue- Rezisser televideniya Byron: Ballad for a Daemontrue Year of the Horse - Constellation Scorpiotrue Every day of Dr. Kalinnikovatrue- Chukanov Zudov, You're Fired!true- Nikita Zudov Time, Forward!true- Vinkich Sisters Libertytrue- Психоаналитик Convoy 48 The War Traintrue- Petrovich Russian Shorts. Vol. 1true- Grandad ("Milk") Premonition Of Lovetrue- Давидюк The Tale of the Old Echotrue- Папа Лис Strawberry Raintrue- The Papa Fox (voice) / Папа Лис Brezhnevtrue- Mikhail Suslov The Man from the Other Sidetrue- Mikhail Zabotin The Very Same Munchhausentrue- Duke's Secretary Through The Graveyardtrue Pretty Girltrue- менеджер The City of Bridestrue- Vitya The Legend of Tilltrue- blind man Operation 'Trust'true- Igor Rumyantsev Not the Most Successful Daytrue- Igor The Last Breadtrue- Student at the dance (uncredited) Человек из страны Гринtrue- человек на дороге Комический любовник, или Любовные затеи сэра Джона Фальстафаtrue- фокусник Алекс There, Beyond the Horizontrue- Koretskiy 31st of Junetrue- Dr. Jarvis Теперь пусть уходитtrue- Kenneth First Visitortrue- Grigoriy Lyubimov Ilf and Petrov Rode in the Tramtrue- skulptor Vasya / skulptor Gans We Were in the First Grade...true Ten Little Indianstrue- голос на пластинке (нет в титрах) Profile Images
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