Tom Wilson
Tom Wilson
Top Movie Cast
Blondie Johnsontrue- Swede (uncredited) Nancy Drew… Detectivetrue- Brennan, the Gate Guard (uncredited) The Doorway to Helltrue- Big Shot Kelly, Gangster The Rainmakertrue- Chocolate The Heart Bustertrue- George Who's Your Father?true- Black Father (uncredited) California Straight Aheadtrue- Sambo I'll See You in My Dreamstrue- Man in Sing-along Audience (uncredited) Earthworm Tractorstrue- Accident Spectator Quicksandstrue- Sgt. Johnson My Wife's Relationstrue- Brother Red Hot Romancetrue- Thomas Snow Nancy Drew... Trouble Shootertrue- Milt, Second Deputy Sheriff Picture Snatchertrue- Leo Battling Butlertrue- Battling Butler's Trainer Sunnysidetrue- Boss (uncredited) Northern Pursuittrue- Guest at Inn (uncredited) Inside the Walls of Folsom Prisontrue Wild and Woollytrue- Casey, Engineer (Uncredited) Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alleytrue- 'Snitch' McCarthy Isobel or the Trail's Endtrue- Cpl. Bucky Smith The FBI Storytrue- Chicago Passerby (uncredited) Illegaltrue- Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Dr. Socratestrue- Clem - a Townsman The Vice Squadtrue- Night Court Attendant Secrets of the Nighttrue- Thomas Jefferson White 6 Day Bike Ridertrue- Lame Farmer (uncredited) The Half-Breedtrue- Curson What Fools Mentrue- Business Rival The Great Jewel Robbertrue Road to Paradisetrue- Jerry the Greek (uncredited) The Wagons Roll at Nighttrue- Barker (uncredited) Westboundtrue- Townsman (uncredited) The Yankee Waytrue- George Washington Brown The Professortrue- Man in Flophouse (uncredited) The Immigranttrue- Gambler (uncredited) The Goose and the Gandertrue- Jack the Baggage Man (uncredited) Angels Wash Their Facestrue- Policeman at Bowling Alley (uncredited) The Personality Kidtrue- White's Trainer The Case of the Stuttering Bishoptrue- Yacht Club Attendant Watchman (uncredited) My Billtrue- Onlooker (uncredited) The Case of the Black Cattrue- Waffle Shop Construction Foreman (uncredited) Personal Maid's Secrettrue- Pedestrian Smashing the Money Ringtrue- Convict 18701 in Print Shop (uncredited) The Big Noisetrue- Talkative Sign Painter (uncredited) The White Angeltrue- Man 'Cooking' Shirts (uncredited) Mary Jane's Patrue- Tom - Marvin's Campaign Worker On Your Toestrue- Stagehand He Couldn't Say Notrue- Mover Bringing Statues King of the Underworldtrue- Deputy (uncredited) A Star Is Borntrue- Stagehand Carrying Poles / Passerby Outside Hotel (uncredited) Treachery Rides the Rangetrue- Denver They Made Me a Criminaltrue- Kid Tacoma (uncredited) Women in the Windtrue- Cleveland Spectator (uncredited) We Are Not Alonetrue- Extra on Bench in Amusement Park Daughters Courageoustrue- Man Watching Pool Shot (uncredited) Hell's Kitchentrue- Guard (uncredited) Indianapolis Speedwaytrue- Racetrack Official The Valianttrue- Tom the Printer (uncredited) The Daredevil Driverstrue- Husky Bus Passenger (uncredited) King of Hockeytrue- Penalty Timekeeper Kid Nightingaletrue- Kid's Trainer (uncredited) Dust Be My Destinytrue- Work Farm Guard (uncredited) Heart of the Northtrue- Post Customer (uncredited) She Loved a Firemantrue- Dance Contest Spectator The Cherokee Striptrue- Jury Foreman / Mr. Wellman Midnight Courttrue- Tough Vagrant Missing Witnessestrue- Arrival at Grand Central Station (uncredited) Blazing Sixestrue- Bartender (uncredited) Varsity Showtrue- Stagehand Wine, Women and Horsestrue- Truck Driver The Mystery of the Leaping Fishtrue- Police Chief I.M. Keene Smart Blondetrue- Janitor with Hose (uncredited) The Kidtrue- Policeman (uncredited) The Circus Clowntrue- Man in Audience The Chaplin Revuetrue- Various (archive footage) Moonlight on the Prairietrue- Rodeo Cowboy Boom Towntrue- Man in Saloon (uncredited) Battle Crytrue- Arcade Proprietor (uncredited) The Americanotrue- Hartod Armitage White - aka Whitey Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Agestrue- The Kindly Policeman Love Begins at Twentytrue- Fred - Detective Sergeant Yorktrue- Turkey Shoot Participant (uncredited) The Singing Kidtrue- Stagehand (uncredited) Trailin' Westtrue- Livery Stable Proprietor (uncredited) A Dog's Lifetrue- Policeman (uncredited) White Bondagetrue- Cal Daily Once a Doctortrue- Policeman at Accident Land Beyond the Lawtrue- First Town Loafer (uncredited) City for Conquesttrue- Man on Fire Escape (uncredited) Castle on the Hudsontrue- Convict in Yard (uncredited) Torrid Zonetrue- Passerby as Train Moves They Drive by Nighttrue- Man Outside Barney's (uncredited) Mr. Skeffingtontrue- Witness (uncredited) An Angel from Texastrue- Townsman The Captain's Kidtrue- Bill Brown Road Gangtrue- Bull - Guard at Blackfoot (uncredited) Over the Walltrue- Pinball Proprietor Mr. Bridetrue- Cpt. Wilson The Chieftrue- Blink, a Henchman Strong Boytrue- Baggage Master Bad Men of Missouritrue- Carpetbagger #2 in Montage The Birth of a Nationtrue- Stoneman's Servant A Night at the Ritztrue- Café Patron (uncredited) The Go-Gettertrue- Pete, a Logger (uncredited) Shoulder Armstrue- Dumb German Wood-Cutter The Million Dollar Handicaptrue- Tom Strandedtrue- Immigrant (uncredited) Action in the North Atlantictrue- Bar Patron (uncredited) His Darker Selftrue- Bill Jackson Penrod's Double Troubletrue- Brill (uncredited) The Adventurous Blondetrue- Onlooker in Crowd (uncredited) Torchy Blane in Panamatrue- Brother Rayne (uncredited) Across the Pacifictrue- Tom Lightning Strikes Twicetrue- Bus Passenger Pay Me!true- 'Mac' Jepson American Plucktrue- Jefferson Lee 'G' Mentrue- Agent (uncredited) Bureau of Missing Personstrue- Tony - Investigator (uncredited) Parachute Jumpertrue- Marine Recruiter (uncredited) When a Man Lovestrue- A Convict Aboard the Boat (uncredited) Bullets or Ballotstrue- Jailer (uncredited) Money and the Womantrue- Mr. Crane (uncredited) Ham and Eggs at the Fronttrue- Ham Soft Boiledtrue- The Butler On Timetrue- Casanova Clay A Day's Pleasuretrue- Large Husband on Boat The Best Bad Mantrue- Sam One Foot in Heaventrue- Fireman Angus (uncredited) Sookytrue- Officer Duncan Nora Prentisstrue- Courtroom Spectator (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
The Birth of a NationtrueDirecting