Amado Zumaya
Amado Zumaya
Top Movie Cast
The Year of the Plaguetrue- General The Useless Life of Pito Péreztrue Nuestro Juramentotrue- Pediatra The Important Mantrue- Compadre Drizzletrue- Papá Indígena Santo in the Vengeance of the Mummytrue- Old Indian (uncredited) Astuciatrue- Jefe Politico Nazarintrue- Preso (uncredited) La Cucarachatrue- Soldado Tizoctrue- Indígena (uncredited) Valentín de la Sierratrue The Terrible Giant of the Snowtrue La mafia amarillatrue- Chi-Tao Shark Hunterstrue- Rodolfo The Rose Stranglertrue- Doctor Henner Sonatastrue- Carcelero (uncredited) Aquel famoso Remingtontrue- Sotero 'Ora sí ¡tenemos que ganar!true Profile Images
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