Mikhail Kokshenov
Mikhail Kokshenov
Top Movie Cast
Babka Ezhka and Otherstrue- Змей Горыныч, озвучка Детство. Отрочество. Юностьtrue Наш американский Боряtrue It Can't Be!true- Sofya's Neighbor The Most Charming and Attractivetrue- Lenya Pryakhin The Elevator Leaves on Scheduletrue- Brigada 'Liftremont' Pigeon's Milktrue- Вадим Слепухин нач. строительного треста Bringing Upside Down the Lifetrue SportLotto - 82true- Stepan Stepanovich The Captivating Star of Happinesstrue- Никитка, слуга Анненковой-старшей No Path Through Firetrue- Зотик White Dewtrue- Сашка Ходас (средний сын) Tale About Czar Pyotr Arranging Arap's Weddingtrue- Sergunka Rtishchev Private Detective, or Operation Cooperationtrue- Ambal Dangerous for Your Life!true What a Mess!true- Ambassador's bodyguard Eugene, Little Eugene and Katyushatrue- Zakhar Little Alexandertrue- Курыкин, рядовой, шофёр In the Zone of Special Attentiontrue Dauriatrue- Федот Муратов Little Tragediestrue- слуга Альбера Иван Liberation: The Break Throughtrue- The Artillerist Светлая личностьtrue- Борис Годунов The Artist from Gribovtrue- KAMAZ Driver The Only Onetrue- driver in the carpool Poem of Kovpak: Alarmtrue- Павел Устюжанин Poem of Kovpak: Snow-Stormtrue Poem of Kovpak: Carpathians, Carpathians...true- Pavel Ustyuzhanin Russian Detectivetrue- Ivan The Garagetrue- "каратист" Front in the Rear of the Enemytrue The Secret of the Golden Breguettrue- Zakhar Chibisov The Golden Calftrue- Sekretar Incognito from St.Petersburgtrue- Derzhimorda The Adjutant of His Excellencytrue- Павло My Husband Is an Alientrue- Seryozha The Hattrue- hotel neighbor's husband There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beachtrue- Kravchuk Нам здесь житьtrue- Fedor Nikishin Love of a Middle-Aged Mantrue- Nikolay - vodoprovodchik gostinitsy We're Sitting Good!true- Эдик Three Hundred Years Aftertrue- Genrikh Nikolayevich Country Trip of Sgt. Tsybulyatrue- Savka Gorgalo Vitya Glushakov - A Friend of the Apachestrue- Alexey Tomilin, Petka's father The Last Day of Wintertrue- Копейка Russian Accounttrue- Паша и Шкаф Russian miracletrue- Иван Chest of Drawers Was Lead Through the Street...true- Пашин – хозяин кота Барсика (электрик, новелла «Овчарка Барсик») The Evening Labyrinthtrue Vasiliy Buslaevtrue- Gavrila Primary Russiatrue- Kolot The Third is Coming Handytrue Swindlerstrue- Валерий «Мармелад» Keychain with secrettrue- Витёк The Smile of Melometatrue Nephew, or Russian Business 2true The Hero of Her Romancetrue- “Repa”(Repkin) Among the Fellow Countrymentrue Zudov, You're Fired!true- Vanya Kovrigin, tractor drive The Russian Fieldtrue- Minka Time, Forward!true- local policeman (uncredited) С весельем и отвагойtrue- University official Vasilyev From the Life of Fyodor Kuzkintrue- Pashka Voronin Swamp Street, or the Cure Against Sextrue The Idiottrue- Lablansh - priyatel prokurora I Don't Guarantee Personal Safetytrue Летние гастролиtrue- Печников, служитель льда Where Is Enohp Located?true- водитель троллейбуса The Master of Taigatrue- Ipatov The Man Who Doubtstrue- свидетель The Girlstrue- worker (uncredited) Fiasco of Operation Terrortrue- Kola The Bread Smells of Gunpowdertrue The Right Peopletrue- тренер по боксу Федор 31st of Junetrue- Servant The Zavyalov Weirdostrue- Фёдор (роман «Капроновая ёлочка») Top Movie Crew
Russian DetectivetrueDirecting
The Elevator Leaves on ScheduletrueDirecting
Bringing Upside Down the LifetrueDirecting
Valentine's DaytrueProduction
Russian DetectivetrueWriting
Among the Fellow CountrymentrueProduction
Russian businesstrueProduction
The Smile of MelometatrueWriting
The Elevator Leaves on ScheduletrueWriting
Pharaoh's SecrettrueWriting
Pharaoh's SecrettrueProduction
Russian AccounttrueDirecting
Russian miracletrueDirecting
Theater TraptrueDirecting
Pharaoh's SecrettrueDirecting
The Smile of MelometatrueDirecting
Prosecutor's JubileetrueDirecting
Prosecutor's JubileetrueWriting
Nephew, or Russian Business 2trueDirecting
The Hero of Her RomancetrueDirecting
The Hero of Her RomancetrueProduction
Russian businesstrueDirecting
Russian AccounttrueProduction
Russian miracletrueProduction
Альберт и Сурен в гей-столице России - ИжевскеtrueDirecting
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