Vladimir Samoylov
Vladimir Samoylov
Top Movie Cast
Wedding in Malinovkatrue- Назар Дума Liberation: The Fire Bulgetrue- Gromov Right of First Signaturetrue По следу властелинаtrue- Когтев Tracer Elementtrue- Сергей Николаевич Никитин / Гусейнов / Стальгер Sons of Bitchestrue- Petr Yegorovich Siberiadetrue- Afanasi Ustyuzhanin Particularly Important Tasktrue Days of the Turbinstrue- Скоропадский, гетман всея Украины Trust Me, Peopletrue- Col. Anokhin The World In Another Dimensiontrue His Nickname Is Beasttrue- Кореец Spawn of Helltrue- Andrei Petrovich The Bonustrue- Pavel Batartsev, managing director The Gray Wolvestrue- General Kurayev Chicherintrue- Lloyd Georg The Twenty Six Comissarstrue- Shaumyan The Adventures of Count Nevzorovtrue- полковник Теплов Opposite Lanetrue- Степан Алексеевич Беляев Three on the Red Carpettrue- Виктор Иванович Коновалов Visiting the Minotaurtrue- Прокурор Shot In The Backtrue- Константин Константинович, полковник милиции Thank God, Not in America...true The Sixth of Julytrue- Nikolai Podvoisky Such a Tough Game As Hockeytrue Kingfishertrue- Сергей Иванович How Do I Call You Now?..true- Vasiliy Nikiforovich Maykov Liberation: The Break Throughtrue- Gromov Wild Honeytrue- Lazhechnikov State Border: Vol. 4. Red Sandtrue State Border: Vol. 7. Salty Windtrue Smoke of the Fatherlandtrue The Stars don't Fadetrue- Narimanov Серафим Полубес и другие жители землиtrue The Very First Spacetrue- Boris Mikhailovich Horses Aren't Changed at the Crossingtrue The Price of Headtrue- Maigret - commissioner Crashtrue- Борис Савинков The Captain's Daughtertrue- Pugachyov Without Prejudicetrue- Episodic role Front Without Flankstrue- Ermolaev Dubrovskytrue- Kirila Troekurov My Love, My Sorrowtrue- Physician Roadsidetrue- Pyotr Demyanovich Volovich The Stepmothertrue- Viktor Vikentyevich Drama on the Hunttrue- Урбенин The Bread Smells of Gunpowdertrue A Tale of a Chekisttrue- Kraft (voice) The Fellows From the Gunboattrue- Николай Трофимович, отец Вали Morning Againtrue- Professor Aleksey Severtsev Ranger from the Nuclear Zonetrue Секретарь обкомаtrue- Vasiliy Denisov Angle of Incidencetrue- Gavrila Kubantsev