Jennifer Roth
Jennifer Roth
Top Movie Crew
What Maisie KnewtrueProduction
Black Swan: MetamorphosistrueCrew
Black and WhitetrueProduction
Montana StorytrueProduction
Bad LieutenanttrueProduction
Year of the FoxtrueProduction
Blood FathertrueProduction
Your Sister's SistertrueProduction
Your Sister's SistertrueDirecting
Your Sister's SistertrueProduction
The Squid and the WhaletrueProduction
Tall Girl 2trueProduction
The WrestlertrueProduction
The Squid and the WhaletrueProduction
The Piano LessontrueProduction
Guava IslandtrueProduction
Duck ButtertrueProduction
The Land of Steady HabitstrueProduction
Guava IslandtrueProduction
The Day Shall CometrueProduction
World's Greatest DadtrueProduction
Blood FathertrueProduction
The Whole TruthtrueProduction