Boris Kamorzin
Boris Kamorzin
Top Movie Cast
The End of a Beautiful Epochtrue- Genrikh Frantsevich Turonok The Icebreakertrue- Беляев In the Moscow Slumstrue- Testov Long Farewelltrue- Nikolai Smolyanov Why Wouldn't We Send... a Messenger?true Two Daystrue- Сергей Иванович Беглецов, губернатор In the Fogtrue- First policeman Tale in the Darknesstrue- Dimych Cloud Heaventrue- Saratov - molodoy spetsialist Sex, Coffee, Cigarettestrue- Stanislav (segment Diane) The Lower Depthstrue- Костылёв In the Name of a Prank 3true Fedya. People's Football Playertrue Everyone Dreams of a Dogtrue- Грибоедов Extraordinarytrue- Direktor muzykalnoy shkoly The Monk and the Demontrue- настоятель Марфа и её щенки 2: Приключения продолжаютсяtrue A Gentle Creaturetrue- Man with Arms in Plaster Набоков, Машенькаtrue- Alfyorov Lev Yashin. The Dream Goalkeepertrue- General Mot Netrue- helicopter pilot Vysotsky. Four Hours of Real Lifetrue The Cardboard Piertrue- Pavel Zorkin Операция «Холодно»true- Viktor Dmitrich