Marcel Carrière
Marcel Carrière
Top Movie Cast
Live Before the Lettertrue- Self Top Movie Crew
The Joy of WintertrueSound
Of Whales, the Moon, and MentrueCamera
The End of SummertrueSound
September Five at Saint-HenritrueSound
Visit to a Foreign CountrytrueSound
Games of the XXI OlympiadtrueDirecting
The Days of Whisky GaptrueSound
Strangers for the DaytrueSound
You Don't Back DowntrueSound
Ti-Mine, Bernie pis la gang…trueDirecting
Knowing to LearntrueSound
O.K.... LalibertétrueDirecting
O.K.... LalibertétrueWriting
Avec tambours et trompettestrueDirecting
Chez nous, c'est chez noustrueDirecting
10 Miles/HourtrueDirecting
Children of SilencetrueSound
La visite du Général De Gaulle au QuébectrueSound