Rostislav Plyatt
Rostislav Plyatt
Top Movie Cast
Джентльмены, которым не повезлоtrue Такой странный вечер в узком семейном кругуtrue Dreamtrue- Yanek, cabdriver Prairie Stationtrue- Vaska Scherbak The Foundlingtrue- Bachelor (as R.Ya. Plyatt) The Village Teachertrue- The Secondary School Headmaster Springtrue- Vladimir Ivanovich Bubentsov Sovershenno seryoznotrue- Филонов - покупатель пирожков (новелла «История с пирожками») When Christmas Trees Light Uptrue- The Wolf (voice) Postscripttrue- Alexei Borisovich How the Lion Cub and the Turtle Sang a Songtrue- Narrator (voice) Visiting the Minotaurtrue- Амати Wind from Easttrue- Mateush An Easy Lifetrue- Vladimir Gavrilovich Muromtsev Ordinary Circumstancestrue- Виктор Митрофанович The Horsementrue- Capt. Schwalb The Rest Is Silencetrue- Barkley Cooper The Accidenttrue- Курт - прокурор Alice in Wonderlandtrue- Narrator (voice) An Arrow Flies Into a Fairy Taletrue The Cointrue- Том Бреккет, диспетчер гаража Cruiser 'Varyag'true- Beily An Elephant and a Ropetrue- Neighbour Light over Russiatrue- Optimist Murder on Dante Streettrue- Grin, impressario Madlen Provincialkatrue- Count Lubin Moscow – Genovatrue- Menier На Гранатовых островахtrue The Fire Is Burning In the Raw-Hide Tenttrue- Wolf (voice) Frog the Travellertrue- Narrator (voice, uncredited) Road to the Seatrue- engineer-captain 1st rank Alice Through the Looking Glasstrue- Narrator (voice) Going Inside a Stormtrue- Dankevich Eagle Islandtrue- Aleksandr Vătășanu The Mystery of Edwin Droodtrue- Грюджиус The Secret Agent's Blundertrue- Nikolai Kazin Вся королевская ратьtrue- Ирвин The Secret Agent's Destinytrue- Nikolai Kazin Four Heartstrue- профессор литературы Crazy Daytrue- Dudkin - professor A Groom from the Right Societytrue- Semyon Danilovich Petukhov История с пирожкамиtrue- Филонов - покупатель пирожков The Snow Postmantrue- Wolf (voice) The Secret of the Cricket from Behind the Stovetrue Strictly Businesstrue- landlord (story «Makes the Whole World Kin») A Goat-Musiciantrue- Wolf (voice, uncredited) The Crime of Sylvester Bonnardtrue Who's Right, Who's to Blame?true- Kavelin The Painted Foxtrue- Wolf (voice, uncredited) Forest Storytrue- Wolf (voice, uncredited) A Pipe and a Beartrue- Wolf (voice)