Arthur Loft
Arthur Loft
Top Movie Cast
Salty O'Rourketrue- Joe (uncredited) The Male Animaltrue- Trustee (uncredited) Footlight Glamourtrue- Mr. Clark Blondie Knows Besttrue- Mr. Conroy One Exciting Weektrue- Charlie Pickett Shakedowntrue- Editor (uncredited) My Friend Flickatrue- Charley Sargent Street of Chancetrue- Sheriff Lew Stebbins Gildersleeve's Bad Daytrue- Prosecuting Attorney Lucas (uncredited) King of the Royal Mountedtrue- John Snead Charlie Chan in the Secret Servicetrue- Inspector Jones The Shanghai Cobratrue- Bradford Harris Scarlet Streettrue- Dellarowe The Rogues' Taverntrue- Wentworth Along Came Jonestrue- Sheriff To Each His Owntrue- Bernadock Clinton The Prisoner of Shark Islandtrue- Carpet Bagger Caught in the Drafttrue- Movie director I Am the Lawtrue- Tom Ross Women in Prisontrue- Barney Morse Dr. Broadwaytrue- Capt. Mahoney Southward Ho!true- Phoney Captain Jeffries Down Mexico Waytrue- Homer Gerard South of Santa Fetrue- Peter Moreland Two-Fisted Gentlemantrue- Fletcher Who Killed Gail Preston?true- Jules Stevens The Shadowtrue- Sheriff Jackson Sheriff of Redwood Valleytrue- Harvey Martin Ace Drummondtrue- Chang-Ho Hell's Kitchentrue- Elmer Krispan It's a Pleasuretrue- Jack Weimar Bars of Hatetrue- Gilroy - Grant's Henchman Rhythm of the Saddletrue- Clyde Chase Paradise Expresstrue- Glover We Go Fasttrue- Francis X. Futter The Ice Follies of 1939true- Director The Glass Keytrue- Clyde Matthews City Streetstrue- Dr. Goodman Risky Businesstrue- Police Captain Wallace The Woman in the Windowtrue- Claude Mazard / Frank Howard / Charlie the Hatcheck Man It Happened in Hollywoodtrue- Pete Wanted: Jane Turnertrue- Henchman Glen (uncredited) Start Cheeringtrue- Joe Green Honeymoon Aheadtrue- Sheriff Weeks Without Orderstrue- Air Controller Calkins Devil's Playgroundtrue- Damage Control Officer Pacific Linertrue- Engineering Officer Dearborn (uncredited) Let Us Livetrue- Warden (uncredited) Mr. Smith Goes to Washingtontrue- Chief Clerk (uncredited) Days of Jesse Jamestrue- Sam Wyatt The Roaring Twentiestrue- Still Proprietor (uncredited) Postal Inspectortrue- Inspector Gene Richards The Crooked Roadtrue- Carl Gobel Western Justicetrue- Clem W. Slade The Lady Objectstrue- Charles Clarke Pride of the Blue Grasstrue- Dave Miller Millionaire Playboytrue- Football Coach You're Not So Toughtrue- Marshall Man from Oklahomatrue- J. J. Cardigan Riders of Pasco Basintrue- Matthew Kirby Night Waitresstrue- Borgum The Stork Pays Offtrue- Barney Should a Girl Marry?true- Dr. Garfield The Man in the Trunktrue- Sam Kohler What Price Crimetrue- Donahue Arson Squadtrue- Cyrus P. Clevenger Blue, White, and Perfecttrue- Joseph P. McCordy The Green Hornet Strikes Again!true- Tauer - Chief Gangster The Saint Takes Overtrue- Detective Grady The Green Hornettrue- Joe Ogden (uncredited) Hold Back the Dawntrue- Mr. Elvestad Squadron of Honortrue- Lou Tanner Paid to Dancetrue- Jack Miranada The Game That Killstrue- Rudy Maxwell No Time to Marrytrue- Wyatt Blake Legion of Terrortrue- Gardner Smuggled Cargotrue- Masterson Everybody's Babytrue- Chief Kelly This Gun for Hiretrue- Man who Bumps into Raven (uncredited) The Carson City Kidtrue- The Obnoxious Drunk Coloradotrue- Jim Macklin - Indian Commissioner Alimony Madnesstrue- Dennis O'Shea Hangmen Also Die!true- Gen. Votruba Cafe Hostesstrue- Steve Mason Traffic in Crimetrue- Police Chief Jim Murphy Redhead from Manhattantrue- Sig Hammersmith The Lady Has Planstrue- Mr. Weston (uncredited) The Witness Chairtrue- Bailiff Don't Gamble with Lovetrue- Croupier Texas Terrorstrue- Olin Blake Back in the Saddletrue- E.G. Blaine North from the Lone Startrue- 'Flash' Kirby Three Girls About Towntrue- Poker Player Lights of Old Santa Fetrue- Bill Wetherbee Rhythm Round-Uptrue- Oscar Berton Lone Star Moonlighttrue- Thaddeus White Bad Men of Missouritrue- Marshal Capturing Youngers Wild Bill Hickok Ridestrue- Hooker Silver Spurstrue- Bulldog Bailey They Died with Their Boots Ontrue- Tillaman (uncredited) Don Winslow of the Navytrue- Enemy Sub Capt. Tranker [Ch. 1] Double Alibitrue- Policeman at Booking Desk The Main Eventtrue- Jack Benson Kid Courageoustrue- Sheriff Stockton Teddy the Rough Ridertrue- Big Jim Rafferty The Blue Dahliatrue- "Wolf" at Bar (uncredited) A Scream in the Darktrue- Norton A Woman is the Judgetrue- Tim Ryan Glamour for Saletrue- Harry T. Braddock Men in Her Diarytrue- Attorney Reynolds Woman in Distresstrue- Stu Saddler Fly By Nighttrue- Inspector Karns The Cat Creepstrue- Sampler-Publisher In Old Oklahomatrue- Fenton The Big Gametrue- Opposing Coach The Accusing Fingertrue- Convict Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Casetrue- Dr. Post (uncredited) Mission to Moscowtrue- Man with Microphone (uncredited) Priorities on Paradetrue- E. V. Hartley Lucky Jordantrue- Hearndon 3 Kids and a Queentrue- Reporter Panic on the Airtrue- Bartender Road to Utopiatrue- Head Purser (uncredited) You May Be Next!true- Police Radio Diispatcher (uncredited) The Naughty Ninetiestrue- Billy Boy (uncredited) Beware of Redheadstrue- Dr. Horace Thompson Night in New Orleanstrue- Police Sergeant Bliss On Stage Everybodytrue- Fulton (uncredited) She Gets Her Mantrue- Waldron Appointment for Lovetrue- Station Manager (uncredited) Extortiontrue- Inspector Nat Corrigan Public Cowboy No. 1true- Jack Shannon The Magnificent Dopetrue- Mr. Morton, Fire Engine Salesman The Great Barriertrue- William Van Horne All American Sweethearttrue- Cap Collender Little Miss Bigtrue- Mayor Meet the Stewartstrue- Impatient Man in Office (uncredited) To the People of the United Statestrue- Griffith - Member of the Local Draft Board (uncredited) The Strange Affair of Uncle Harrytrue- Mr. Follinsbee The Searching Windtrue- Dr. Crocker Broadwaytrue- Detective (uncredited) Profile Images
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