Geoffrey Beevers
Geoffrey Beevers
Top Movie Cast
Goodnight, Mister Tomtrue- Vicar The Railway Childrentrue- District Superintendent The Nativitytrue- Eleazar The Woodlanderstrue- Agent Hamlettrue- Third Player / Lucianus The Great Escape II: The Untold Storytrue- Jim Kitteridge The Devil of Winterbornetrue- Brian Rutherford / Wittaker The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanderstrue- Judge National Theatre Live: The Audiencetrue- Equerry After the Dancetrue- Arthur Power Monk Dawsontrue- Paterson Measure for Measuretrue- Friar Thomas The Marlowe Inquesttrue- Ingram Frizer Doctor Who: The Ambassadors of Deathtrue- Private Johnson The Eligible Bachelortrue- Insp. Montgomery Unnatural Selectiontrue- Right Hon. Brian Rutherford Downtimetrue- 'Harrods' Haroldson Miss Pottertrue- Mr. Copperthwaite National Theatre Live: Amadeustrue- Baron Gottfried Van Swieten Doctor Who: The Keeper of Trakentrue- Melkur / The Master The Stranger: Eye of the Beholdertrue- Hunter My Wrongs #8245–8249 & 117true- Cleric The Mystery of Mentrue- Dr Littleton Carry On: The Life of Caroline Johntrue Growing Painstrue- Gravedigger Clash of the Titanstrue- Noble (Basilica) G:MT Greenwich Mean Timetrue- Building Society Manager Beryl Markham: A Shadow on the Suntrue- Oliver Hatton On Expensestrue- Douglas Hogg MP The Doctors: Heroes and Villains!true