Tatyana Kravchenko
Tatyana Kravchenko
Top Movie Cast
And in the Morning They Woke Uptrue- Saleswoman White King, Red Queentrue- Irina Tischenko What a Mess!true- Bronislava Rosenbaum Piter FMtrue- Tatyana Petrovna Kolkhoz Entertainmenttrue Morning Highwaytrue- Antonina Dangerous for Your Life!true- Tamara Torpedo Bomberstrue- Maroussia The Fatal Eggstrue- Maria Между нот, или Тантрическая симфонияtrue Don't Play the Fool...true- Zina The Secret Traintrue- Gorpina Ночь одинокого филинаtrue Shakespeare Could Never Imaginetrue- Pelagea Zhbanova Будем ждать, возвращайсяtrue- Valentina, podruga Tomki Эмигрантка или Борода в очках и бородавочникtrue- Подруга Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk Districttrue- Аксинья The In-Lawstrue- Valentina Petrovna Budko Russian miracletrue- Маруся Stepanych Thai Voyagetrue- Customs Director We're Sitting Good!true- Вера I'm sorry if you can...true Шут Балакиревtrue- Anisya Kirillovna Little Deviltrue- Yershikha Premonition Of Lovetrue- Ольга A Waiter With a Tray of Goldtrue About Love In Any Weathertrue- Ionesko's Wife The City of Bridestrue- Zoya Karpova Eighth World Wondertrue- Lavruzhina The Grail of Magdalena Egorovatrue- Matveevna The Voicetrue- Nurse Nadya I Don't Want to Get Marriedtrue- Inga