Françoise Christophe
Françoise Christophe
Top Movie Cast
Fantomas vs. Scotland Yardtrue- Lady Dorothée MacRashley Vengeance of the Three Musketeerstrue- Anne d'Autriche The Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignantrue- La marquise de Moncornet Borsalinotrue- Simone Escarguel Testament of Orpheustrue- The Nurse (uncredited) The Possessorstrue- Jacqueline Schoudler, la bru Walk Into Paradisetrue- Dr. Louise Dumarcet Leathernosetrue- Judith de Rieusses La rue des bouches peintestrue- Lady Blanche Wilburn / Lydia Her First Affairtrue- A resident of the orphanage (uncredited) Love Marriagetrue- Secretary Carrefour du crimetrue- Nelly The Beautiful Imagetrue- Renée Cérusier Charming Fellowtrue- une vieille dame dans le parc Cyrano de Bergeractrue- Roxane Erik the Conquerortrue- Queen Alice Seven Deaths in the Cat's Eyestrue- Lady Mary MacGrieff The Fighting Musketeerstrue- Anne d'Autriche La grande bretèchetrue- Christine Why Americatrue- Narrator Victortrue- Françoise Pélicier Les pyramides bleuestrue- Mother Superior Fantômastrue- Princess Daniloff A Free Womantrue- Liana Franci Fiestatrue- La douairière Hello Goodbyetrue- La Mère d'Alain Anna in Corsicatrue- Marguerite Scandal on the Champs-Élyséestrue- Françoise Fatal Affairtrue- Alberte Guéret Three Faces of Sintrue- Guest at the opening Try This One for Sizetrue- Jenny Adieu Prudencetrue- Constance As Far as Love Can Gotrue- La cliente Libera metrue- L'adjoint du policier The Wings of the Dovetrue- Marc's mother The Best Job in the Worldtrue- Mme Davant, la mère d'Hélène King of Heartstrue- Duchess A Girl Knewtrue- Jacqueline My Wife's Girlfriendstrue- la mère d'Edmée Retour à Malaveiltrue- GMC Profile Images
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