Lidiya Fedoseyeva-Shukshina
Lidiya Fedoseyeva-Shukshina
Top Movie Cast
Nice to Live Not Forbidtrue- Федяева Bouquet of Mimosa and Other Flowerstrue The Red Snowball Treetrue- Люба Байкалова Quarantinetrue- Strange woman Could One Imagine?true- Vera, Roman's mother Iz zhizni otdykhayushchikhtrue- Oksana Evenings on a Farm Near Dykankatrue- Catherine II (Catherine the Great) Do Not Leave...true- Queen Park of the Soviet Periodtrue They Fought for Their Motherlandtrue- Glasha Happy-Go-Luckytrue- Нюра Расторгуева Little Tragediestrue- пожилая дама Sitting on the Golden Porchtrue- Королева Maksim Perepelitsatrue- Assistant Strange Peopletrue- Лидия Николаевна The Key That Should Not Be Handed Ontrue- Emma Pavlovna Vivat, Naval Cadets!true- Chernyshova - grafinya Шофёр на один рейсtrue- Софья Макаровна Тишанова Sex, Coffee, Cigarettestrue- Gertrude (segment Poor Yorick) Love with Benefitstrue- Мария Спиридоновна Martha's Linetrue- Марта Галанчик Demidovytrue- Anna Ioannovna The Useless Girltrue- Marina Queen's Personal Lifetrue Dead Soulstrue- Lady, just nice Одна на миллионtrue- Марья Федоровна Through Main Street with an Orchestratrue- Lida Troubletrue- жена Кулигина Pilots Scientific Sectiontrue- Anna Vilgelmovna Friends of Games and Jokestrue If You Want To Be Happytrue- Fedotova The Wife Has Lefttrue- Tanya Treasuretrue- Ксения Николаевна, жена Петровича Call Me from Afartrue- Grusha Veselova Prince Yuri Dolgorukytrue Marriage of conveniencetrue Взятка. Из блокнота журналиста В. Цветковаtrue And Live Tomorrowtrue- Мартынова Faithful Ruslan: History of the Guard Dogtrue- Тетя Стюра What Would You Choose?true The Hattrue- Zinaida Ivanovna Kukushkina Two Captainstrue- Zhukov's assistant (uncredited) Eternal Husbandtrue- Zakhlebinina