Yevgeni Vesnik
Yevgeni Vesnik
Top Movie Cast
One, Two, Altogether!true- The Hedgehog (voice) Red Wine of Victorytrue- фотограф End of the World with Symposium to Followtrue The Adventures of the Electronictrue- Семён Николаевич Таратар - учитель математики I Loved You...true- Father The Master and Margaritatrue- psychiatrist Seven Old Men and One Girltrue- директор спорткомплекса Записки Пиквикского клубаtrue Old Man Khottabychtrue- постовой милиционер The Adventures of Buratinotrue- Father Carlo (voice) Year of a Calftrue- Professor The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcasetrue- Airport manager Strong with Spirittrue- Voronchuk Taimyr Calls Youtrue- Иван Иванович Кирпичников, директор филармонии There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beachtrue- Monya Three Days in Moscowtrue- Andrey Petrovich Potapov A Foreign Womantrue- Professor Philipp Traumtrue- Brandth Trembitatrue- Богдан Сусик, бывший дворецкий графа Do It, Manya!true- Evgeniy Danilovich The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvintrue- Malinin Smart Thingstrue- книгоноша/посол The Canterville Ghosttrue- американец (голос) Ugryum-Rivertrue- Pristav Andreev The Blacksmith-Sorcerertrue- Emrique Today and Tomorrowtrue- Евгений Яковлевич Юраш The Very Last Daytrue- Бызин Valerka, Remka + ...true- Yevgeni - papa Valerki Our Friend Read'n'Write 2true Our Friend Read'n'Write 3true A Gullible Dragontrue- host The Dog in Bootstrue- Cardinal's Cat (voice) / Кот кардинала A Little Time Machinetrue Chest of Drawers Was Lead Through the Street...true- Мурин (директор гастронома, новелла «С повинной») Case No. 306true- Пётр Иванович Грунин, экономист из Новосибирска The Boy from 5Btrue- Анатолий Сергеевич тренер по плаванию The Experiment of Dr. Absttrue Father Frost and the Summertrue- Дед Мороз / водитель грузовика / милиционер / доктор Ordinary Wondertrue- охотник Nylon 100%true- Егор Мотовилин Light of a Distant Startrue The Whole World In Your Eyestrue Puss in Bootstrue- King (voice) Messrs. Golovlevstrue- Narrator Our Friend Read'n'Writetrue- Пишичитай Пора красных яблокtrue- Халил The Strongesttrue- халиф / визирь The Grandmothers Told in Two...true The Inspector-Generaltrue War is Raging Somewheretrue Стежки – дорожкиtrue- Воронюк Red Snowstormtrue- Балабан Yabloko razdoratrue- Ilya Grigorievich Rudenko, collective farm chairman The Mystery of Edwin Droodtrue- Сапси The Hattrue- Solomon Yevseyevich Fishkin Nude with a Violintrue- Клинтон Преминджер Pot of Porridgetrue- Voice Heirs of Rabourdintrue- Рабурдэн We Didn't Learn Thistrue- chief architect The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengerstrue- colonel with the huge forehead The First Teachertrue- voice (bai Narmagambet) 12 graves of Khoja Nasreddintrue- Tsvetkov - professor Footprint in the Oceantrue- Ivan Yeltsov Когда играет клавесинtrue- professor pravovedeniya The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Trickstrue- (voice) Капризная принцессаtrue- The Beggar (voice) Interview with Springtrue How the Puppy Was Taught to Swimtrue- Crab (voice) The First Violintrue- Father-Grasshopper / Firefly (voice) The Green Grasshoppertrue- (voice) Межаtrue- Kuzma, the Soldier (voice) Kolya, Olya and Archimedestrue- Greek army commander (voice) The Boy from Napolitrue- Puss in boots (voice) A Delayed-Action Explosiontrue Top Movie Crew
Scapin the SchemertrueDirecting
Messrs. GolovlevstrueDirecting
The Inspector-GeneraltrueDirecting
Heirs of RabourdintrueDirecting
Heirs of RabourdintrueWriting