Vladimir Menshov
Vladimir Menshov
Top Movie Cast
Generation Ptrue- Farsuk Seiful-Farseikin Love and Pigeonstrue- Vedushchiy kadrili (uncredited) Время для размышленийtrue- Igor Ignatyevich Under One Skytrue- Pavlov The Apocalypse Codetrue- Kharitonov High Security Vacationtrue- Nikolai Vyshkin The Last Six Degrees of Celebrationtrue Lovey-Dovey 3true- Vladimir Andreevich O, Luckyman!true- Олег Генрихович Lucky Troubletrue- Tryokhgolovich Moscow Does Not Believe in Tearstrue- Gosha's Friend (uncredited) Couriertrue- Guest on Katya's birthday Year of a Calftrue- Feodosy What Men Still Talk Abouttrue- Лев Николаевич Толстой Zerogradtrue- Николай Иванович Смородинов, прокурор города Six Degrees of Celebration 2true- Grandfather Valera What a Mess!true- Russian President / Commentator on TV Vysotsky: Thank God I'm Alivetrue Chinese Tea-Settrue- Фрол Аверьянович Сатановский Depressiontrue- "Godfather" It Happens to Peopletrue- папа Legend No. 17true- Balashov Practical Joketrue- Vladimir Valentinovich (swimming coach) (uncredited) 07th Changes Coursetrue- Russian President In That Region of Heaven…true- Юлий Борисович Лихоман ВГИК100. Признание в любвиtrue- self Abdulladzhan, or Dedicated to Steven Spielbergtrue- Ivan Ivanovich Nakhlobuchko - general Personal Opiniontrue- Petrov Murder at Cloister Pondstrue Experiencetrue- Алексей Николаевич Нечаев A Man at His Placetrue- Semyon Bobrov If the Enemy Doesn't Surrender...true- Konev Tsarevich Alekseytrue- Aleksandr Danilovich Menshikov Salty Dogtrue- Sailor Martiamov Spartacus and Kalashnikovtrue New Year's Alarmtrue- Georgiy Morozov Trotskytrue- Каргин, матрос Tale About Czar Pyotr Arranging Arap's Weddingtrue Generaltrue- Георгий Константинович Жуков The Suicidetrue- писатель Виктор Викторович Happy Kukushkintrue- Пашка Кукушкин A Time to Gather Stonestrue- генерал 8 ½ $true- Спартак Сергей Львович The Cry of Silencetrue- Anton Ivanovich Гиблое делоtrue- Vova Lobanov Distraction for the Soultrue- Mikhailov Where Is Enohp Located?true- Павел Голиков Russian Ragtimetrue- Otets Mishi Vysotsky. Four Hours of Real Lifetrue Ivanovytrue- Ivan Ivanovitch Ivanov An Essay on Victory Daytrue- General The Last Meetingtrue- Klim Avilov One at Hometrue- Georgy Ivanovich (Gosha) Top Movie Crew
A Time to Gather StonestrueProduction
Moscow Does Not Believe in TearstrueDirecting
Moscow Does Not Believe in TearstrueWriting
Love and PigeonstrueDirecting
What a Mess!trueDirecting
Practical JoketrueDirecting
The Envy of GodstrueDirecting
Chinese GrandmatrueProduction
Я служу на границеtrueWriting
The Envy of GodstrueProduction
To the Question of the Dialectic of the Perception of Art, or Lost DreamstrueDirecting
A Start in LifetrueDirecting
Night GueststrueDirecting
Love Is EviltrueProduction
ВГИК100. Признание в любвиtrueWriting
ВГИК100. Признание в любвиtrueDirecting
The Envy of GodstrueWriting
Night Is ShorttrueWriting
Happy KukushkintrueWriting