Adawy Ghaith
Adawy Ghaith
Top Movie Cast
Love Above Pyramid's Plateautrue The Street Playertrue- Captain Moreau The Little Deviltrue- central operator Mr. Karatetrue- الأستاذ عزيز We Are the Bus Peopletrue Lack of Evidencetrue- Saadawy Qanun Ikatrue- Samiya's father A Trip of Terrortrue- Wahba Helmi وهبة حلمي The Iron Ladytrue- Abdel Sattar - Magda's father The Tiger and The Femaletrue- والد وحيد Yawm El Hesabtrue- رئيس محكمة الجنايات Laenet Al Zamantrue- والد رجب Vote for Dr. Sulaiman Abdulbasettrue Troublemakers in dangertrue