Evi Farinelli
Evi Farinelli
Top Movie Cast
The Case of the Bloody Iristrue- First victim The Nephews of Zorrotrue- Rosita 2 samurai per 100 geishetrue- Geisha Il clan dei due Borsalinitrue- Prof.ssa Evi Rossi His Name Was Holy Ghosttrue- Hooker Top Movie Crew
Li chiamavano i tre moschettieri... invece erano quattrotrueDirecting
The Cynic, the Rat & the FisttrueProduction
Occhio, malocchio, prezzemolo e finocchiotrueProduction
A Policewoman on the Porno SquadtrueProduction
School Teacher in CollegetrueProduction
My Father's Private SecretarytrueDirecting
Saturday, Sunday and FridaytrueDirecting
Emergency SquadtrueDirecting
Brothers Till We DietrueProduction
The Doctor Prefers SailorstrueDirecting
Taxi GirltrueCostume & Make-Up
Holy God, Here Comes the Passatore!trueProduction
Giovannona Long-ThightrueDirecting
Sugar, Honey and PeppertrueProduction
The Virgo, the Taurus and the CapricorntrueCostume & Make-Up
The Soldier with Great ManeuverstrueDirecting
School Teacher on the Sea with Her ClasstrueProduction
La moglie in bianco... l'amante al pepetrueProduction
Cannibal FeroxtrueProduction
A Man Called BladetrueProduction
Eaten Alive!trueProduction
A Policewoman in New YorktrueProduction
The Nurse on a Military TourtrueProduction
School Teacher in the HousetrueProduction
The Wife on Vacation... The Lover in TowntrueProduction
Night NursetrueProduction
The Nurse in the Military MadhousetrueProduction
The Doctor Is Staying with the ColoneltrueProduction
The Honorable with His Lover under the BedtrueProduction