Mokhtar El Sayed
Mokhtar El Sayed
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The Most Honorable Sinnertrue The Tale of Three Girlstrue- نادل The Demons Husbandstrue- الضابط My Husband’s Womantrue- waiter The Lady and the Wolvestrue Date with the Belovedtrue- Company engineer In summer, we must lovetrue- Police officer An Ordinary Girltrue- Police officer The deceiverstrue- doctor Please, kill metrue- وكيل النيابة El talata yuhebbunahatrue A Husband On Demandtrue- The Doctor Maa'boudat Al-Gamahirtrue- Anwar Al-Sayed The Man Who Lost His Shadowtrue Barefoot on the Gold Bridgetrue Ismail Yassine in the Air Forcetrue- co-director The Dancer & the Politiciantrue Ismail Yassin for sale!true- ضابط Three Storiestrue- الساعي - القصة 3 Lasna Mala'ekahtrue- ضابط السجن A Day of My Lifetrue- Journalist For the Sake of a Womantrue- موظف شركة التأمين Struggle on the Niletrue- متفرج في المولد Between Heaven and Earthtrue The Mother of the Bridetrue- ضابط شرطة I Am Freetrue- محرر بالمجلة Journey of a Lifetimetrue The Devil is a Womantrue- Officer Body and Passiontrue- officer A Man in Our Housetrue- ضابط بالسجن Marriage for Half an Hourtrue- Doctor His Excellency, The Ambassadortrue A Deal With a Womantrue- barkeep Rawaat El Hobtrue- doctor Al-khobz Al-mortrue- ضابط شرطة المليونيرة النشالةtrue- ضابط The Tiger and The Femaletrue- محامي عبده القماش Eadam Taleb Tanawytrue- المحامي Honeymoon without hassletrue- د.محسن The Virgin Wifetrue- التمرجى alqadiat raqm 1true- مساعد الطيار The Night Of Fatima's Arresttrue Rassif Nemra 5true- Officer Couples and summertrue- Officer Widow Wantedtrue- ضابط النجدة The Belle and the Thieftrue Wa Menel Hob Ma Qataltrue Who is he in society?true Take Care of Your Neighborstrue Love Alone is Not Enoughtrue Man in women's prisontrue