Michiyo Tamaki
Michiyo Tamaki
Top Movie Cast
Youth After Schooltrue- Mieko Kaneko Sazae-san, the Wayward Wifetrue Sazae's Engagement Triptrue Onna yajikita-tatchi ryokōtrue Gakusei geisha koi to kenkatrue The Princess of Badger Palacetrue- Kohagi Naite waratta hanayometrue Parakin to Kyū-chan mōshiwakenai yarō-tachitrue Taiyō Sensei Seishunkitrue Twin Sisters of Kyototrue- Masako Nonsense Boystrue- Kaneko A Country Bosstrue- Eriko The Three Treasurestrue- Ehime Price of Beautytrue- Mariko An Autumn Afternoontrue- Tamako Horie August Moontrue- Takako Ando Uogashi no senpū musumetrue