Jan Cmíral
Jan Cmíral
Top Movie Cast
A Major Role for Rosmarynatrue- Director Brother for All the Moneytrue The Ninth Hearttrue- Lackey Past na kachnutrue- German Client The Secret of Steel Citytrue Skandál v Gri-Gri barutrue Hodinářova svatební cesta korálovým mořemtrue Kdo přichází před půlnocítrue Concert at the End of Summertrue Love Between the Raindropstrue How a Man Gives Birthtrue- (segment "Hádanka") Co je doma to se počítá, pánové...true Láska na druhý pohledtrue La Chanson du mal-aimétrue Bylo nás desettrue- Lieutenant Kozlok The Death of a Talented Cobblertrue- Gatekeeper (voice) Courage for Every Daytrue Bulldogs and Cherriestrue Who Wants to Kill Jessie?true Payment in Kindtrue- předseda soudu Crime in the Night Clubtrue The Terribly Sad Princesstrue Aesoptrue- Delphi Officer A Star Is Falling Upwardstrue- D'Argenti How to Drown Dr. Mracek, the Lawyertrue The Halftime of Happinesstrue Jára Cimrman Lying, Sleepingtrue Dissolved and Effusedtrue Ikarie XB 1true- Crewmember Florenc 13,30true- driver František The Krakonos and the Skierstrue- Clen komise Where the Early Bird Catches the Wormtrue Where, Gentlemen, Where Are You Going?true On a Wayward Princesstrue