Louis Negin
Louis Negin
Top Movie Cast
My Winnipegtrue- Mayor Cornish Left Behind II: Tribulation Forcetrue- Witness Moishe The Saddest Music in the Worldtrue- Blind Seer The Devil's Arithmetictrue- Uncle Morris Ooh... You Are Awfultrue- Emilio Ferruchi Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness?true- Producer Peter City of Shadowstrue- Bamji Big Dealtrue- Eugene Leach Mynarski Death Plummettrue Keyholetrue- Calypso / Camille Cook & Peary: The Race to the Poletrue- Maitre D' The Forbidden Roomtrue- Marv / Smithy / Mars / Organizer / Mr. Lanyon Charlie Grant's Wartrue- Otto Schmidt Oh What a Wonderful Feelingtrue Two by Saroyan: 'Once Around the Block' and 'My Heart's in the Highlands'true- The Husband Pontypooltrue- Conversationalist Eye of the Beholdertrue- Bartender Barry McKenzie Holds His Owntrue- Hugo Cretin Love & Murdertrue- Ginger Cowards Bend the Kneetrue- Dr. Fusi Gerontophiliatrue- Crossing Guard Physical Evidencetrue- Jacob "Jake" Farley The Twentieth Centurytrue- Mother A Grief Observedtrue- Louis (voice) Physical Evidencetrue- Jake Farley Overdrawn at the Memory Banktrue- Pierre Send Me to the 'Lectric Chairtrue Glorioustrue- Naked Ghost How to Take a Bathtrue- Marv The Ernie Gametrue- Ernie's friend Top Movie Crew
Brand Upon the Brain!trueWriting
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