Frank Villard
Frank Villard
Top Movie Cast
No Man's Landtrue- De Rossi The Price of Fleshtrue- Daniel, journalist The Gentleman from Epsomtrue- Lucien Savage Triangletrue- Paul The Cape of Hopetrue- Robert 'Bob' Legeay Apocalypse Nowtrue- Gaston de Marais (Long Version) Cartacalha, reine des gitanstrue Le Mystérieux Monsieur Sylvaintrue- Ancelin False Identitytrue- Inspector Rolle The Counterfeiters of Paristrue- Éric Masson The Lovely Lolatrue- Edmond How to Keep the Red Lamp Burningtrue- Marcel Froment, boss of the “Panier Fleuri”, Toulon (segment “La Fermeture” & “Le Procès”) The Beautiful Imagetrue- Raoul Cérusier / Roland Colbert Avalanchetrue- Edouard Bouchard Nest of Spiestrue- Captain Thierry Castle of the Banned Loverstrue- Giudice Ranieri No Exittrue- Joseph Garcin The Violet Sellertrue- Henri Barnard Mata Hari, Agent H21true- Colonel Emile Pelletier / Legrand The Secret of the Blue Mentrue- Hernandez Girls of Todaytrue- Armando The Enigma of the Folies-Bergèretrue- Commissioner Raffin Sacred Firetrue- Jean Delmas The Faceless Enemytrue- Inspecteur Wens The Lovers of Bras-Morttrue- Jean Michaut The Last One of the Sixtrue- Un homme The Seven Deadly Sinstrue- Ravila (segment "Lust") Wanda the Sinnertrue- Stefano Lari Guilty?true- Pierre Lemaire The Marriage of Ramuntchotrue- Georges Secret Document: Viennatrue- Rudolf Hennings Voice of Silencetrue- Mario Rossi Crime Boulevardtrue- Gilbert Renaud Whereabouts Unknowntrue- Capitaine Thierry Sylviane de mes nuitstrue- Michel Lenoir Deuxième Bureau contre terroristestrue- Jacques Martin The Red Signaltrue- Ing. Nicolas Riedel Crime Does Not Paytrue- M. Lenormand (segment "L'affaire Hugues") (as Franck Villard) The Secret of Helene Marimontrue- Jacques Taillandier Soupçonstrue- Etienne Jean Marie de Montenoy Operation Abductiontrue- Captain Thierry No temas a la leytrue- Jean Farand The Mysteries of Paristrue- Prince Rodolfo di Gerolstein Nuits andalousestrue- Armand de Puysherbeux When the Pheasants Passtrue- M. Gino (non crédité) Le Cavalier de Croix-Morttrue Profile Images
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