Edward Martindel
Edward Martindel
Top Movie Cast
The Devil at His Elbowtrue- Franklin Darrow In Old Kentuckytrue- Mr. Brierly Tony Runs Wildtrue- Mr. Johnson The Woman Who Did Not Caretrue- Franklin Payne Little Eva Ascendstrue- Mr. Wilson A Rich Man's Playthingtrue- 'Iron' Lloyd Greater Than Lovetrue- Frank Norwood Clarencetrue- Mr. Wheeler The Ordealtrue- Sir Francis Maynard The Singing Fooltrue- Louis Marcus The Gay Diplomattrue- Ambassador The Desert Songtrue- General Bierbeau Rain or Shinetrue- Mr. Conway Golden Dawntrue- Col. Judson Song of the Westtrue- Colonel By Appointment Onlytrue- Judge Barry Phelps False Facestrue- Mr. Jonathan Day Nice Peopletrue- Hubert Gloucester Lady Windermere's Fantrue- Lord Augustus Lorton The Girl Who Came Backtrue- Chester Madison Hail the Womantrue- Wyndham Gray Two Heads on a Pillowtrue- Judge Benjamin Gorman The Garden of Edentrue- Colonel Dupont Unseen Forcestrue- Robert Brunton Everybody's Actingtrue- Peter O'Brien Why Be Good?true- Winthrop Peabody Sr. Compromisetrue- Commodore Smithson You'd Be Surprisedtrue- Mr. White Check and Double Checktrue- John Blair The Furnacetrue- Count Svenson Footlights and Foolstrue- Chandler Cunnungham The Dixie Merchanttrue- John Pickett Divorce Among Friendstrue- Tom Children of Divorcetrue- Tom Larrabee Afraid to Talktrue- Major Jamison Ducks and Drakestrue- Dick Chiltern Hardboiled Rosetrue- Jefferson Duhamel The Foundlingtrue- David King Lonesome Ladiestrue- Motley Hunter The Desert Bridetrue- Col. Sorelle Blonde Crazytrue- Jeweler (uncredited) Venus of Venicetrue- Journalist The Eternal Questiontrue- Allen Tait The Scarlet Womantrue- Hanlin Davis Extravagancetrue- Robert Mackay The White Flowertrue- John Markham Loveboundtrue- Stephen Barker You Never Can Telltrue- William Vaughn Fashions for Womentrue- Duke of Arles The Dixie Handicaptrue- Mr. Bosworth We Americanstrue- Mr. Bradleigh Modern Lovetrue- Andre Weston Second Choicetrue- Herbert Satterlee Love's Whirlpooltrue- Richard Milton American Madnesstrue- Ames (uncredited) Captain Swifttrue- Gardiner Companionate Marriagetrue- James Moore