Wan Seung-Lam
Wan Seung-Lam
Top Movie Cast
Satin Steeltrue- Mr. Fowler's Thug The Prince of Temple Streettrue- Chien's Man Bullet for Hiretrue- Mr. Dick's Thug The 13 Cold-Blooded Eaglestrue- White Eagle Legend of the Foxtrue- Guinong's Man Mercenaries from Hong Kongtrue- Wen's Man Murderer Pursuestrue- Crazy Ming Long Arm of the Law IV: Underground Expresstrue A Better Tomorrow III: Love and Death in Saigontrue- General with Bond A Fiery Familytrue- Kwong Lover of the Swindlertrue Seven Warriorstrue- Villager The Criminal Huntertrue- Ta Pao Five Element Ninjastrue- Hong's Man Disciples of the 36th Chambertrue- Canton Association's Member The Boxer's Omentrue- Corner Man (uncredited) Bullet in the Headtrue- One of Ringo's Men Hong Kong Playboystrue- Bodyguard Ten Tigers of Kwangtungtrue- Man at Eatery (uncredited) Challenge of the Gamesterstrue- Train passenger's relative / gangster Black Cat IItrue- Assassin Heroic Trio 2: Executionerstrue- Soldier Lost Soulstrue- Hok's thug This Man Is Dangeroustrue- Biao Hong Kong, Hong Kongtrue- Sister Wan's Fighter Project Atrue- Mahjong Player / Ling's Thug (uncredited) Police Story 3: Super Coptrue- PRC Police Captain at Fushan (uncredited) Crime Storytrue- Yen Chi-Sheng Underground Judgementtrue- Gang leader Brave Archer and His Matetrue- Third Teacher (uncredited) The Lady Is the Bosstrue- Big Boss's Thug (uncredited) Seeding of a Ghosttrue- Policeman Roving Swordsmantrue- Constable The Musical Vampiretrue- Corpse Robber My Rebellious Sontrue- Johnny's supporter at boxing match Crippled Avengerstrue- Du's Thug Pursuit of a Killertrue- Older Lu Bao The Flag of Irontrue- Iron Abacus Jin Bu Wan House of Trapstrue- Cao De Yu The Weird Mantrue- Xu Gong's thug Casino Tycoontrue- Chang's Thug Casino Tycoon IItrue- Casino Security Oh! Yes Sir!!!true- Friend of Little Fish Ode to Gallantrytrue- Zhangle gang Descendant of the Suntrue- Prince Regent's Black Knight Men from the Guttertrue- Triad at Night Club Rendezvous with Deathtrue- Soldier On the Wrong Tracktrue- Guard Tales of a Eunuchtrue- Casino Clerk The Fighting Fooltrue- Friend of assassin Run and Killtrue- Gang member Portrait in Crystaltrue- Tian Di's Man Buddha's Palmtrue- Extra (uncredited) The Cattrue- One of Wang's Men God of Gamblerstrue- (uncredited) Dances with Dragontrue- Fatt's Gangster Skinny Tiger, Fatty Dragontrue- One of Tak's Men (uncredited) Winners & Sinnerstrue- Chiu's Party Guest Cat vs. Rattrue- Tong's Servant (uncredited) Two Champions of Shaolintrue- Wu Tang Member The Rebel Intruderstrue- Fast Sword Militia Beyond Hypothermiatrue- Bodyguard Masked Avengerstrue- Inn Waiter