Robins is a Swedish late-night talk show which premiered on SVT2 on August 23, 2006. The host is the young stand-up comedian Robin Paulsson from Malmö. The show's format is similar to that of other late-night shows, Robin makes jokes about recent news, shows sketches, and talks to a guest in the studio. One of the most popular sketches in the show features Robin appearing as Swedish football player Zlatan Ibrahimović.
Famous comedians and funny experts meet in a duel where they try to outdo each other with astounding facts. Host is Johan Wester. Based on the hit British program QI.
When unidentified parasites violently take over human hosts and gain power, humanity must rise to combat the growing threat.
Through quotes from ancient Chinese literature, CGTN brings an entirely new avenue to discover the stories behind the classics and discuss the cultural foundation of the Chinese. The series will help viewers understand the Chinese wisdom to govern an evolving nation.
Orawee and Tharn are a perfect couple but they have no children so they decided to adopt a boy and a girl - Aekaong and Atcharee. The couple separated after Tharn cheats on her with Vichuda. The siblings get separated not long after they get adopted due to what happened to their parents. Orawee becomes a successful businesswoman but is abusive to her daughter and manipulative to men. The adopted siblings still had contact with each other and Orawee does not allow her daughter to be associated with her ex husband and her family including her son. She then arranges Atcharee to be married to someone she can control,Ben, a good looking man who is a playboy. Ben does not like Atcharee but entered the arranged marriage due to his family's financial problems. He becomes his mother-in-law's secret lover but eventually finds out how Orawee treats her daughter. He takes pity on Fah and starts to care for her. Will this pity and care turn to love?
Koh Afuk and Helen get married, promising to make eachother happy. The relationship leads to new developments at home and at the fishing pond, affecting everyone unpredictably.
Expert interviews and gripping reenactments combine to reveal the extraordinary life of Alexander the Great and his burning desire to conquer the world.
NOVA scienceNOW is a News magazine version of the long-running and venerable PBS science program Nova. Premiering on January 25, 2005, the series was originally hosted by Robert Krulwich, who described it as an experiment in coverage of "breaking science, science that's right out of the lab, science that sometimes bumps up against politics, art, culture". At the beginning of season two, Neil deGrasse Tyson replaced Krulwich as the show's host. Tyson announced he would leave the show and was replaced by David Pogue beginning season 6.
A man gets a new job in the idyllic surroundings of Jordnära, a gated community that runs a successful organic farm. But he quickly realizes that their rules and routines are somewhat unorthodox.
Rin Tachibana, nicknamed Hanekonma, grew up in Soma, Fukushima. Together with her parents, her sister and brother, and her grandparents, the story revolves around the Tachibana family and Rin's life throughout many years.
A group of fun-loving American girls burst onto the scene in tightly corseted 1870s London, kicking off an Anglo-American culture clash. Sent to secure husbands and status, the buccaneers' hearts are set on much more than that.
A college student is shot in Central Park on July 4, 2003. The investigation connects a series of mysterious citywide fires, the downtown music scene, and a wealthy uptown real estate family fraying under the strain of the many secrets they keep.
The Indian army is a family of several regiments, each of whom have their own history, identity, and glorious traditions. Regiment Diaries is a tale of the Indian Army - a living chronicle of events - told by the very men who follow the illustrious feats of their predecessors.
In plain sight in bustling Seoul, three generations of witches have been living below the radar of everyone around them. Kang Cho Hong operates a restaurant with her fellow witches, Maeng Ye Soon and Jo Aeng Doo. They try to keep a low profile, but Cho Hong’s youthful good looks attracts the attention of a neighborhood guy, Hwang Jae Wook, who is constantly trying to get close to her. Cho Hong and her fellow witches’ quiet lives become complicated when their building landlord, Ma Sung Tae, shows up one day. Sung Tae wants to face a traumatic incident that happened to him in that building when he was a little boy. With Sung Tae nosing around their business on a regular basis, can Cho Hong keep her true identity a secret from him?
Well-educated and upper middle class, Maude Findlay is the archetypal feminist of her generation. She lives in suburban Tuckahoe, New York, with her fourth husband, Walter, their divorced daughter, Carol, and grandson Phillip.
All Our Yesterdays was a television programme, produced by Granada Television, which ran weekly from 1960 to 1973 and from 1987 to 1989. The format was snippets of newsreels shown in cinemas 25 years ago that week. The final series concentrated on 1939. The presenters were: ⁕James Cameron – 1960 to 1961 ⁕Brian Inglis – 1961 to 1973 ⁕Bernard Braden – 1987 to 1989 The years to 1964 focused on the build-up to the Second World War, mixed with more lighthearted fare. The series continued mostly with war footage from 1964 to 1970. Comic relief was provided by wartime cartoons, especially by Osbert Lancaster for the Daily Express. The captions were read by actors. One wartime newsreel which found a new audience was "Hoch der Lambeth Valk". This propaganda film of a Nazi rally, with goose-stepping parades, had been re-edited, reversing some sequences, so the marchers appeared to be dancing "The Lambeth Walk". The effect became a favourite. The title of this series alludes to Macbeth's soliloquy in Act 5 Scene 5 after Lady Macbeth's death.
The paranormal sleuth returns to his UK home to hunt ghosts from his past.