Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is a Chinese animated television series which was created by Huang Weiming, Lin Yuting and Luo Yinggeng, and produced by Creative Power Entertaining. The show is about a group of goats living on the Green Pasture, Qing Qing Grasslands/Plains, and the story revolving around a clumsy wolf who wants to eat them. Toon Express Group owns the copyrights of the characters.
In the year 2000, Dr. Boyton creates a super-robot in his deceased son's image. He calls the robot Astro Boy. Astro Boy can swim oceans, leap over mountains, even fly into space on his own power. However, Astro Boy can't replace his son. Dr. Boyton becomes dissatisfied with the boy robot and disowns him. Astro Boy is befriended by Dr. Packadermus J. Elefun of the Institute of Science, who guides him through his adventures. Endowed with super strength, rocket-powered flight, a selfless heart and a kind demeanor, Astro Boy fights a never-ending crusade against the forces of evil!
Jin Geum Seong is a poor nobleman who lives with his mother and making ends meet is challenging. While gathering wood on the mountain, he spies a woman swimming nearby. Believing she is about to take her life, he creates a disturbance allowing him to save Choi Hye Seong, the third daughter of Choi Jin Sa. Only things are not as they seem when she turns out to be a man named 'Salbyul,' Love will bloom between Hye Seong and Geum Seong, much like a flower on a warm spring day.
Istanbul - In this city of 20 million, crime is endless sin too. Some will sin, others will cover them. Ali Kemal, who forgot his own truth to cover the lies of others, will face his own reality when he falls in love.
Yukk is the ugliest dog that ever was, but he happens to belong to millionaire Brandon Brewster. Brandon uses his mighty machine to shrink in size but become super powered while his sidekick Yukk helps him through adventure after adventure.
A story about love, lies, and sacrifices between two boys.
Two 17 year old teens, whose only common link is their age, run away, one from a juvenile institution and the other from her home, and scour Northern Greece and Turkey, following the "arid" railroad near Maritsa's bank.
Si Woo, the female lead, suddenly gains superpowers one day: ‘if you share the Subway menu, you can hear the person’s heart’. The title of the work was created by combining the English word ‘Hear’ and Subway’s ‘Way’ to contain the same content.
The members of WINR (pronounced "Winner") respond when members of the alien Baltan race attack Earth, but the Baltans are only fended off when a gigantic alien, Ultraman Powered, joins with WINR member Kenichi Kai and gives him the power to metamorphose into Ultraman in times of danger. At the end of the first episode Ultraman declares that the Baltans were not completely defeated and that he will remain on Earth to continue the fight. WINR and Ultraman destroy numerous other monsters, but WINR learns that the Baltans were arranging all the battles to learn Ultraman's strengths and weaknesses
An explosion take place in a street of Tokyo. Many people were killed or seriously injured. One casualty is Chihiro, the wife of Public Security chief inspector Kuraki Naotake. While trying to find why his wife was being implicated in the explosion case, Kuraki comes into contact with Public Security sergeant Akeboshi Miki and Metropolitan Police Department inspector Osugi Ryota who are also investigating this case.
Historian Dr Suzannah Lipscomb unfolds the extraordinary story of the tumultuous love affair between Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, and asks: was it really love that brought them together – and was it love that tore them apart? Suzannah's journey will take her from Anne's childhood home at Hever Castle in Kent to the French palace where, some say, she learned the art of love. She will also visit Hampton Court, where Henry built the Great Hall for his new queen, and the Tower of London, where he had her beheaded.
Former Han Ra Strong Man and current actor is rescued by Bong Hee while picking up some money he found under a bridge and is amazed at her strength. Just in the time the district office offers Joo Yeong the position of coaching a women's wrestling team and to participate in a competition with a big cash price on the line. Joo Yeong organizes a wrestling team with Bong Hee who is living a hard life with a slow-witted sister.