The Most Popular Girls in School (abbreviated MPGIS) is an American stop-motion animated comedy web series that debuted on YouTube on May 1, 2012. Created by Mark Cope and Carlo Moss, the series animates Barbie, Ken and other fashion dolls, usually with customized costumes and hairstyles, as various characters. MPGIS follows the exploits of a fictional high school cheerleading team in Overland Park, Kansas and their friends, family and enemies. Variety described the series as "Mean Girls meets South Park".
Rob the curious robot goes on adventures to different planets with the help of his friends Ema, TK and Orbit.
This documentary series hosted by Sarahmée follows daring, determined women’s collectives all over the world as they shake things up to carve out brighter futures.
Jonathan, a young academic teams up with Max, an amateur ornithologist, to follow storks on their migration from Switzerland to Africa. When Max is found dead in mysterious circumstances, Jonathan decides to make the trip alone. Following the route of the birds, Jonathan discovers dark secrets surrounding Max’s death. A mesmeric thriller from literary luminary Jean-Cristophe Grange.
How hard can it be to go back to your old job? Law Yiu Wah (Moses Chan) was a teacher at a dangerous high school before he was forced to resign over a peeping Tom controversy. Wah becomes a police officer but then is asked to go back to his old high school to investigate a triad drug network at the school.
Tokiro Ehara is a brand new teacher to an all girls school. During his first day on the job, he comes across Miyako, a free thinking senior who will be hard to handle. Through Ehara-sensei, Miyako begins to learn the realities of an adult life, and through Miyako, Tokiro learns that nothing in life is as it seems.
The Dick Clark Show is an American musical variety show broadcast weekly in the United States on the ABC television network 7:30-8 PM on Saturdays from February 15, 1958 through September 10, 1960, sponsored by Beechnut Gum.
Forgiven is a realistic miniseries with dense atmosphere, based on Laura Manninen's novel. 30-something strong-willed Vilma falls in love with Mikko, who is perfect in many ways: a charming, polite, sensitive and sympathetically capricious man. Gradually, Vilma, who has never dreamed of children, realizes that she and Mikko have somehow become a blended family with hustle and bustle and three children. There's a dog, apple trees and beautifully aged house. Little by little, Mikko's true personality is revealed and the seemingly perfect idyll collapses. The abnormal becomes completely normal. Love, shame, fear and need to solve the problems keep Vilma in abusive relationship until the situation escalates to the poins where it's all about surviving and staying alive. The drama series Forgiven deals with love, domestic violence, shame and the culture of silence. Forgiven is a tragic love story, but also a story of survival.
Never-before-seen footage and exclusive interviews offer a vitural scene-of-the-crime vantage point for history's most major news events.
In the world of Hidan no Aria AA, there are special students called Butei who are authorized to carry weapons, investigate crimes and solve various incidents. One of the best of these students is an S-rank second year at Tokyo Butei High School named Aria Kanzaki. On the opposite end of the scale is E-rank first year named Akari Mamiya.
Uncle is a heartwarming, healing comedy about a carpenter searching for himself and repairing emotions. After all, a person’s life is akin to this drama, with many regrets that need mending. Emotions can be restored just like objects.
Tange Tenzen is made a vassal to the shogun. He is a master of the single long sword fighting style. But in order to defend the honour of his wife, Nagao Chiharu, he loses an arm and his family is also wiped out.
The cast from the hit Japanese comedy "The Benza" returns in this outlandish, outrageous spin off series that will teach you all the English you never knew you needed to know.
A controlling mother who spies on her children and their spouses by installing cameras in their rooms is caught in a web of problems when one of her daughters-in-law finds out.
After the breakdown of the old government, and with it the First Republic, Italy changed for good in 1994. Spinster Leo is all too aware of this. He pushed hard to see Berlusconi get elected Prime Minister. He knows it's not easy to win power, but holding on to it verges on the impossible. By the same token, it seems equally impossible for populist politician Pietro to change. Even now that he has an office at the Prime Minister's premises in Rome, he still can't cast off his old bad habits. Nor can he forget the only woman he has ever loved. A former TV starlet now turned politician and Congresswoman, Veronica has to decide who the man of her life is going to be. She has realized she no longer wants to be just a woman on the arm of powerful men. It is the start of her own push for power.