Marcos Carnevale
Marcos Carnevale
Top Movie Cast
Norma Aleandro, el vuelo de la mariposatrue- Self Top Movie Crew
The Lulú ClubtrueDirecting
Clams and MusselstrueDirecting
Touch the SkytrueDirecting
Más respeto que soy tu madretrueDirecting
Itzia, Tango & CacaotrueDirecting
Heart of a LiontrueWriting
Heart of a LiontrueWriting
Lion's HearttrueDirecting
Elsa & FredtrueProduction
The Damned RibtrueWriting
El espejo de los otrostrueDirecting
El espejo de los otrostrueWriting
Just Short of PerfecttrueProduction
Just Short of PerfecttrueWriting
Football or MetrueProduction
Football or MetrueDirecting
I'm Not Your MomtrueWriting
I'm Not Your MomtrueDirecting
Football or MetrueWriting
Clams and MusselstrueWriting
El día que me amentrueWriting
So Much Love to GivetrueDirecting
So Much Love to GivetrueWriting
Daddy Is My IdoltrueWriting
The Pintins to the RescuetrueWriting
Noche de rondatrueDirecting
Noche de rondatrueWriting
Noche de rondatrueProduction