Yuriy Kuzmenkov
Yuriy Kuzmenkov
Top Movie Cast
Waiting for a Miracletrue Antikiller 2: Antiterrortrue Джентльмены, которым не повезлоtrue Parents are not Chosentrue Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №1. Testament Emperortrue Domestic Circumstancestrue The Long Recesstrue- Vanya Fedoskin Until the Thunder Strikestrue- Zavyalov 100 grams for Braverytrue- Vasya Taimyr Calls Youtrue- Дюжиков (он же "Фортунатов", он же "Кирпичников") Three Days in Moscowtrue- Yuri Ivolgin Honest, Smart, Unmarried...true- Grisha (as Yu. Kuzmenkov) The Battle after the Victorytrue Hostagetrue- Nikolay Prokopʹyevich Любовь моя вечнаяtrue- Иван Русов Arrival Day... Departure Day!true Trusttrue- Андрей Тимонин Arrival Day is a Departure Daytrue A Minute of Silencetrue- Kostya Bokarev The Journalisttrue- Kuzmenkov Originally From Heretrue- Степан Жихарь The Love of Mankindtrue- Yuri Strumilin By the Laketrue- Train Passenger What a Mess!true- man with a goat The Maltese Crosstrue- Snyt