This Hour Has 22 Minutes is a weekly Canadian television comedy that airs on CBC Television. Launched in 1993 during Canada's 35th general election, the show focuses on Canadian politics, combining news parody, sketch comedy and satirical editorials. Originally featuring Cathy Jones, Rick Mercer, Greg Thomey and Mary Walsh, the series featured satirical sketches of the weekly news and Canadian political events. The show's format is a mock news program, intercut with comic sketches, parody commercials and humorous interviews of public figures. The on-location segments are frequently filmed with slanted camera angles.
Through quotes from ancient Chinese literature, CGTN brings an entirely new avenue to discover the stories behind the classics and discuss the cultural foundation of the Chinese. The series will help viewers understand the Chinese wisdom to govern an evolving nation.
CNN Live Today was an American television news program on CNN. It aired weekdays from 10:00 a.m. ET to 12:00 p.m., and also during Your World Today from 12:20 p.m. ET to 12:32 p.m. It was last anchored by Daryn Kagan. Previous hosts include Rick Sanchez and Leon Harris.
Crapston Villas was a British animated television series, in which the characters were made from plasticine and filmed with stop motion clay animation. It was a comedy satire on inner-city London life, directed at a mature audience. It featured a set of characters, living in a grim apartment building in the fictional postcode of SE69, who were plagued by various dilemmas. Foul language, sex and violence are present.
STEM children's series focusing on construction and how mechanical things work.
Karl and Chris goon a 3 week trip, where they got to travel through China, Tibet & Nepal with the highlight of reaching Mount Everest base camp. However, their plans fall apart with Chris being hospitalised with severe altitude sickness. Will they succeed with our quest for Everest?
Cassie & Co. is an American drama series starring Angie Dickinson that aired on NBC in 1982.
Major real-life air disasters are depicted in this series. Each episode features a detailed dramatized reconstruction of the incident based on cockpit voice recorders and air traffic control transcripts, as well as eyewitnesses recounts and interviews with aviation experts.
May the Best House Win is a British lifestyle game show, which currently airs on ITV. The show is produced by Shiver and narrated by Guy Porritt. The programme began airing on 22 February 2010 and sees four proud homeowners compete to win £1,000 by showing off their homes to the other contestants, who will then rate their home based on their interior design, homeliness, comfort, and hospitality.
"My Universe The Series" explores twelve stories of eleven male-male couples, each delving into friendships and relationships woven together by a cosmic web of love. It’s a beautiful blend of romance, drama, comedy, thrills, and fun, leaving viewers profoundly touched.
Hardball with Chris Matthews is an American television talk show on MSNBC, broadcast weekdays at 7 PM ET hosted by Chris Matthews. It originally aired on now-defunct America's Talking and later CNBC. The current title was derived from a book Matthews wrote in 1988, Hardball: How Politics Is Played Told by One Who Knows the Game. Hardball is a talking-head style cable news show where the moderator advances opinions on a wide range of topics, focusing primarily on current political issues. These issues are discussed with a panel of guests that usually consists of political analysts and sometimes include politicians. It also runs in a "Best of" format Saturday mornings at 5 AM.