Fernando Vendrell
Fernando Vendrell
Director and producer.
Top Movie Cast
40 Years of Fantasportotrue- Self Top Movie Crew
The Eagle and the HorsetrueProduction
Passagem por LisboatrueDirecting
Second HandtrueProduction
14 de Fevereiro (a 1 de Abril)trueProduction
14 de Fevereiro (a 1 de Abril)trueDirecting
The SurvivorstrueProduction
Dribbling FatetrueDirecting
Dribbling FatetrueWriting
Une femme dans la tourmentetrueProduction
Impunidades CriminosastrueProduction
The Social Division of Labor According to Adam SmithtrueProduction
Almirante ReistrueDirecting
The Flight of The Crocodile – Ruy Cinatti’s TimortrueDirecting
The Flight of The Crocodile – Ruy Cinatti’s TimortrueProduction
El invierno en LisboatrueDirecting
Bloody NighttrueProduction
Sombras BrancastrueDirecting
Sombras BrancastrueWriting
As Minhas FériastrueDirecting
The CannibalstrueDirecting
The Great KilapytrueProduction
Variações: Guardian AngeltrueProduction
Road of NothingtrueProduction
I Was in Lisbon and Remembered YoutrueProduction
Dribbling FatetrueProduction
Jogo da GlóriatrueDirecting
Treasure IslandtrueDirecting
Belle ÉpoquetrueProduction
Hovering Over the WatertrueDirecting
Un asunto privadotrueProduction
Nheengatu – The Language of the AmazontrueProduction