Humorous how-to video explains partying.
After being dumped by his model girlfriend, aspiring writer Quincy Watson quits his job and is inspired to pen the ultimate how-to book on breaking up. When it becomes a smash bestseller, he starts giving his player cousin, Evan, choice tips on how to win the battle of the sexes. But when Evan's beautiful girlfriend Nikki gets wind of the plan, it's these players that end up getting played.
Learn today's simple, step-by-step way to make more money with less effort...and have fun! Phyllis Diller shares her "garage sale secrets" with you, digging into closets, plowing through old boxes and clearing out the attic as she organizes an attractive, moneymaking garage sale.
Count Floyd, the former horror host of "Monster Chiller Horror Theatre" (SCTV), takes the audience through step by step lessons on how to make the best funny home videos.
Goofy shows us, in his inimitable way, the fundamentals of golf, guided as usual by the somewhat sarcastic narrator.
A comprehensive overview on how to take care of Actar CPR dummies, hosted by three alien babies visiting from a distant planet.
Ruben Creed tells us How To Survive a Kidnapping in this hilarious satire
Yet another sport is made 'easy' for us by Goofy's demonstration how- never, ever, to try anything for real, least of all with a glider-flying machine he launches in ways that would kill anything but a cartoon character, such as a giant catapult and even a canon. Meanwhile Goofy proves totally incapable to control any of its movements in the air, let alone the 'landing' which is too messy even for a bombshell.
Goofy's demonstration of fishing is fouled up by his clumsy casting and fly fishing, and problems with his boat.
Goofy shows us the national pastime. After a brief overview, we have a demonstration of the many possible pitches. On to the World Series, where we go through an eventful inning, culminating in a baseball that disintegrates when being hit.
A simple guide to getting a good night's sleep during the early days of the pandemic
Following in the great tradition of his classic "How To" animated shorts of the 1940's, Goofy makes his return to the big screen in "How to Hook Up Your Home Theater". When Goofy is desperate to watch the Big Game, he heads to his local electronics store to tackle every consumer's nightmare - selecting the perfect home theater system and worse, trying to hook it all up.
Goofy learns to take care of his yard, throughout the four seasons. While doing so he unintentionally wrecks his house.
This Robert Benchley 'How To' comedy short attempts to teach us how to profile criminals by physical characteristics.
Robert Benchley offers a humorous lecture on how to avoid different types of strain during reading.
Sarah disguises herself as Ryan's psychiatrist to haunt his dreams while also presenting a helpful educational guide to therapy.
In this true-crime documentary, a charismatic rebel in 1990s Seattle pulls off an unprecedented string of bank robberies straight out of the movies.
A group of hip '90s teens educate new drivers about how to conduct themselves around semi-trucks on the freeway.
Promotional film introducing self-service long-distance dialing using a prototype service in Englewood, New Jersey. Demonstrates how direct dial and the new area code system enable callers to make contact instantly without operator assistance.