BeyWheelz: Powered by Beyblade, commonly referred to as BeyWheelz is a anime mini-series based on the, Hasbro toyline, BeyWheelz. It was commissioned by Nelvana and is produced by Synergy SP and d-rights.
Bomb disposal expert Ivan Yeung returns from England and happens to come across a grenade case by accident. Ivan's skills are highly appreciated by senior chemist Ko Yin-Bok and he is invited to join the Forensic Division. Meanwhile, other members of the team are caught in an explosive incident that ends up changing team dynamics.
Santiago becomes an Internet sensation when a video of his bride-to-be ditching him on the altar goes viral. Now thanks to his newfound fame, he will turn into the coveted prize of a contest that offers a boyfriend to the lucky winner destroy their lives forever.
A tale of two powerful states, constantly at war. Mrinal of Manyakheta dynasty, nursed an enmity against Malwa since her childhood, as they were responsible for her parents death. The battle brings two warring souls; Mrinal and Prithvi face-to-face. The animosity leads to deception, and rejection, that gradually transcends into a heart rending, passionate love story. A Love Story perhaps never meant to be
Disraeli is a British four part serial about the great statesman and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Benjamin Disraeli.
D'artagnan leaves Gascone and his grandparents to go to Paris to be a musketeer like his father was...
It's a tough gig working for the Water Department, and it's also a tough gig working in Power. Dan Harmon and Ryan Ridley show you why.
Straight out of Tokyo Plus, a high-tech research center, arrives a new innovation of "Man Machine" system (Polymar) developed by the late Dr. Oregar. Tragically, Dr. Oregar and his efforts are dematerialized as the Catsharks, loyal subjects of Nova, steal this new technology for their own devious plans. Miraculously chosen as the next Polymar, Takeshi finds himself thrust into the middle of the battleground, as he discovers his new role and purpose - to destroy Nova and his followers. He utilizes his karate skills comprised of spinning kicks and backfists with flight formula to defeat the Catsharks, only to have them re-emerge stronger then ever, led by the shrewd Nina. Once she gets Polymar out of the picture - Nova will be free to proceed with his insidious plan. It is a race against time, for Takeshi to save the Earth