The series focuses on Ayukawa Noriko, the teacher of a class of first-graders. One day, a boy named Kento transfers into her class from another school, where he was treated as a problem child. In reality, the inquisitive Kento actually displays the potential of being a prodigy, and it's up to Noriko to figure out how to handle him. The story draws inspiration from the childhood of famous inventor Thomas Edison, who was also considered a problem child by most adults around him.
Hanafusa Kento
Humans are quick to adapt and follow changes in the environment. Mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters are all members of the family, so they are members of society before they become members of society, and individuals before they become members of society. This drama is a story about a family that faces a crisis triggered by the collision of changes in each individual, which is the highest level system. I hope that we can briefly realize the importance of the family community that is fading away as we think and act based on the individual. I want to write a warm and sympathetic story about the process of a broken family finding its original form and healing as we realize the importance of family that we had forgotten at some point while hurting each other, which we should have cherished within the fence called family.
Global traveller, Scott Wilson, returns to Japan to tour around by motorcycle, and experience the country's rich cultural and cuisine offerings found off the typical tourist trail.
Suddenly reading the book! ...As the title says, this is a project where the actors read a script they have never read before in front of the audience. The actors are not told in advance what they will be doing, but are given the scripts on stage on the day of the performance and cast in their roles on the spot. Enjoy this "rehearsal time" to create a "production" that will expand the possibilities of theater and drama! Iwai Hideto is the moderator & director of the read-through. The concept of this is a challenging impromptu script read-through. The actors participating will not be notified on the subject prior to the performance. They will be handed the script on the day itself & will have to read it on the spot. The cast read the script of "Sanpo Suru Shinryakusha" (Before We Vanish) by Maekawa Tomohiro for Episode 2 performed by Matsu Takako, Kamiki Ryunosuke, Goto Takenori, & Ohkura Koji.
Xiao Changqing, Sun Qiancheng, and Chen Xincheng worked hard all their lives. After retirement, they finally got together and co-founded a warm retirement community. In the community, they solved problems that elderly people faced, including their own.
A sudden call brings back Priya, a financial analyst from London to Odisha. A series of strange events follow as she sets on the search for her missing father, an activist who was imprisoned for siding with an indigenous tribe. Against the backdrop of bauxite mining, unexplained deaths and displaced tribals, Priya discovers an international nexus connecting various cities and Jengaburu. Why is the small mining town of Jengaburu at the epicentre of this?
This is the story between the "love queen" Han Ting Ting and ace producer Lu Bai. Han Ting Ting is a sweet, cheerful woman who works as a white-collar planner of a love game company, who has never really had much kissing practice. Lu Bai, the business savvy producer, is an ice cube on the outside a warm softie on the inside. What could a stolen kiss between these two possibly lead to?
Some of the most inspiring, groundbreaking, ballsy, and fascinating people get raw, vulnerable, and real about their path to success. In-depth interviews that delve into topics rarely discussed by public figures like identity, family, and dignity.
From the perspective of an explorer, the play tells the heroic story of Liang Chen, the chief of the reconnaissance section of a certain division of the Volunteer Army, who led a reconnaissance company as a vanguard during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and repeatedly relied on superior strategies and tactics to fight the US military.
A story about unlocking the years of hurt and resentment that has caused the strained relationship between Xiao Dingquan and his father, the King. Despite his position as the crown prince, Xiao Dingquan (Luo Jin) was unloved and unfavored by his own father (Huang Zhizhong). Through countless incidents, he has grown into a man of wisdom and courage. After Qi Wang (Jin Han) was sent into exile, Xiao Dingquan intended to leave peacefully with Lu Wenxi (Li Yitong) but discovers that she is being threatened by unknown forces. Xiao Dingquan no longer wishes to be caught in the endless infighting and rife and hopes to settle the dispute through Zhao Wang's marriage. Xiao Dingquan and Lu Wenxi join hands with Xu Changping (Wang Yu) to change the tides in their favor in order to find the mastermind. As the news of Gu Silin's death spreads and Xiao Dingquan sets out to Changzhou to control the situation, the king finally shows remorse as he apologizes to Xiao Dingquan.
Book TV is the name given to weekend programming on the American cable network C-SPAN2 airing from 8 a.m. Eastern Time Saturday morning to 8 a.m. Eastern Time Monday morning each week. The 48 hour block of programming is focused on non-fiction books and authors, featuring programs in the format of interviews with authors as well as live coverage of book events from around the country. Book TV debuted on C-SPAN2 on September 12, 1998. While the primary mission of C-SPAN2 is live coverage of the United States Senate, Book TV programs are sometimes also scheduled to air during the week when the Senate is not in session.