The X Factor is a New Zealand television reality music competition, originating from the original UK series and based on the Australian The X Factor production format. The first series premiered on the TV3 channel on 21 April 2013, with regular Sunday and Monday screenings weekly. The show is open to anyone aged 14 and over, and the winner will be signed to Sony Music Entertainment New Zealand. The contestants are split into the show's four traditional categories: Boys, Girls, Over-25s and Groups. The first series is hosted by Dominic Bowden, with recording artists Daniel Bedingfield, Melanie Blatt, Ruby Frost and Stan Walker, as the show's four judges. In early 2013, a pre-audition tour of 27 towns and cities across New Zealand was held to find the contestants for the judges auditions. Successful contestants from the judges auditions then progressed to the bootcamp round filmed in March.
The real-life story that inspired Martin Scorsese's 1995 masterpiece "Casino," chronicling the rise and fall of Frank "Lefty" Rosenthal's 1970's Las Vegas mob-affiliated casino empire.
Can't Lose is a 2011 South Korean romantic comedy television series, starring Choi Ji-woo and Yoon Sang-hyun, who play two bickering, married divorce lawyers who take out their frustrations on each other in and out of the courtroom. It aired on MBC from August 24 to October 20, 2011 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 21:55 for 18 episodes. It is a remake of the 2008 Japanese drama The Sasaki Couple's Merciless Battle.
The Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Show is a Western comedy and variety program. In addition to Rogers and Evans, the program featured the Sons of the Pioneers, Pat Brady, and Cliff Arquette.
Twenty-four short films by 24 female writers, performed by 24 women actors, all based on women’s real life experiences of sexism, harassment, and violence. A diversity of female voices and talent from across Europe come together for a series that tackles head-on the everyday brutality experienced by women.
Horror mockumentary program broadcast by TV Tokyo as a collaboration between director Tokio Omori and the YouTube channel FAKE DOCUMENTARY "Q".
Maggie is an American comedy television series starring Ann Cusack. The series premiered August 18, 1998, on Lifetime Television.
Family Front was a 1997 Pakistani comedy drama sitcom. It was broadcast by the Pakistan Television Corporation. This sitcom was directed by Waseem Abbas and written by Muhammad Younis Butt. The cast included Saba Hameed, Samina Ahmad, Waseem Abbas, Mira Hashmi, Iram Hassan, Shahzad Nasim and Naseem Vicky.