Reality-show talent contest aimed to find the country's next solo singing sensation, putting a selection of hopefuls through their paces by getting them to sing a variety of cover versions of popular songs, with tutoring from various professionals.
Sanna is the 21-year-old daughter of a rich landowner in southern Sweden. Her father, Bengt, makes his fortune by leasing his vast expanse of inherited land to hardworking family farmers, many of whom struggle to make ends meet. Stern and unyielding, Bengt holds influence over those less fortunate, while Sanna struggles with the idea of becoming his heir apparent. When she begins a relationship with Marcus, the penniless son of a nearby farmer, her father issues an ultimatum — leave Marcus or lose her inheritance.
Selena Gomez is at the top of her game as a musical artist, actor, businesswoman, and philanthropist, but she calls in the experts to help amp up her kitchen skills for the holidays. This year she has invited all-star chefs Eric Adjepong, Alex Guarnaschelli, Michael Symon, and Claudette Zepeda to bring their favorite dishes and culinary wisdom to her home kitchen so they can cook up perfect holiday meals to share with friends and family.
The Dark Island is a six-part British television miniseries, produced by Gerard Glaister for the BBC. It premièred on 8 July 1962. It was later adapted for radio, which was transmitted in 1969. It was set on the Outer Hebridean island of Benbecula, though the majority of the series was filmed on South Uist.
Earth has developed a defense system against meteorites that are on a collision course with it. Mikaze a troubled girl that is a trainee pilot for a Meteor Sweeper team that dreams of becoming a prestigious Comet Blaster pilot.
Though he’s always considered himself straight, Daniel begins to develop feelings for his alluring new co-worker Javier. Once he admits to his bisexuality, he enters a new world of potential partners. All the while, however, he’s looking to work up the courage to tell Javier how he really feels.
Cezayir Türk, a secret service assassin who served for his country, gets revenge of his brother who is sabotaged. He starts a new life by showing that he died for the sake of the state and the safety of his family. As a result of an injury that takes place on one of his operations abroad, he meets Firuze, one of the doctors without borders. Even though he misses his wife and kids, from the bottom of his heart he knows that going back to them is nearly impossible, yet this word is not in his vocabulary. He falls in love with Firuze to start their family, in the meantime, he gets exposed and had to go back to Istanbul. Neither his secondary family knows, nor did the original family who wept and prayed at his graveyard follow up the recent events happening to him. Istanbul, on the other hand, is not the same as where he left. He will do his best fighting the foreign forces, while it will also require his energy to be divided between two women who are in love with him.
The History of the World Backwards is a comedy sketch show written and starring Rob Newman. It is a mock history programme set in an alternative world, where time flows forwards, but history flows backwards. It was shown on BBC Four, starting on 30 October 2007, and later shown on BBC Two. It was Newman's first television project for 14 years.
A story that follows office worker Xiao Wei who gets lost in the Forbidden City and finds that she has been transported to the Qing Dynasty. Xiao Wei is an ordinary girl from the 21st century. After time traveling to the Qing Dynasty, she meets the warm-hearted 13th prince, the 14th prince, the 4th prince, the stately Emperor Kang Xi and becomes embroiled in the political turmoils within the palace. Which path to choose becomes a difficult choice that she must make over and over again.
This series of programs responds to the need to believe in miracles, in dreams, in love stories and happy endings, with positive and aspirational characters, where faith in miracles is the common thread of each of the melodramas.
Meem Se Mohabbat, a love story that promises profundity and resonate with viewers of all ages. At its core, ‘Meem Se Mohabbat’ is a moving exploration of how love can bloom in the most unexpected circumstances.