Documentary series that shows the unforgettable stories that turned everyday people into household names—from Casey Anthony and Lorena Bobbitt to Amy Fisher and Tonya Harding. Each hour-long episode unfolds in the storytelling tradition of the fan favorite original series Murder Made Me Famous but Scandal Made Me Famousproves you don't have to kill to become a notorious celebrity—you just have to be a part of a killer scandal.
Secrets. Mysteries. And frightening magical beings. The small town of Castelcorvo is not as rested as it seems and just a bunch of brave knight can keep it safe. Four kids - Giulia, Riccardo, Betta and Matteo - will have to solve mysterious enigmas and face their greatest fears to become the paladins who fight the evil that lurks in Castelcorvo.
Get ready to laugh-out-loud as Guy Montgomery and his loyal assistant Aaron Chen are joined by some of Australia's favourite personalities, testing their spelling prowess with wildly inventive spelling challenges designed to befuddle, bamboozle, and bedazzle them all.
Australia's biodiversity thrives in the diverse terrestrial and marine habitats that span the country. Lush rainforests offer a refuge for countless plants and animals, while the vast dry eucalyptus woodland is home to numerous specially adapted species. Kangaroos, wallabies and platypuses are just a few of the iconic animals that call Australia home, showcasing the country's evolutionary distinctiveness. Meanwhile, the waters surrounding the country support some of the most spectacular marine biodiversity on the planet. Vibrant coral reefs, seagrass meadows and rocky shorelines contribute to the country's rich marine tapestry. This is a unique world filled with stunning natural beauty, inhabited by some of the most extraordinary and deadly animals on the planet.
Xiao Changqing, Sun Qiancheng, and Chen Xincheng worked hard all their lives. After retirement, they finally got together and co-founded a warm retirement community. In the community, they solved problems that elderly people faced, including their own.
He Huan has had to deal with a lot of things such as her husband fleeing and leaving her with huge debts, setbacks in her career, and her mother falling seriously ill. Through the encouragement of friends, He Huan remains tenacious in her attempt to starts over.
Nelly is a wealthy girl, and Sherihan is the opposite. They happen to be cousins, with completely different personalities. When they find out that they will be getting an inheritance from their grandfather, they put their differences aside to solve the 'Mickey Mystery' which should get them to the inheritance.
A traffic accident causes four women's destinies to intertwine. In the series, the four enter a pact of revenge against the men who hit them and caused them to suffer. Auxiliadora struggled to help her husband Alcebíades prosper, but when he leaves her for a younger woman, is thrown out of the house. The shy Tatiana was engaged to Fortunato, who failed to show up at their wedding. The Babalu hurricane caught mechanic Raí in bed with another woman. Abigail, a preppy psychologist who is struggling in a failing marriage, decides superficially to continue it but revolts against her husband, Gustavo, who humiliates her in public at a congress. Gustavo has custody of Ângela, a girl who longs to know her true father, Bruno. Her mother died in the childbirth, traumatizing him.
Bomb disposal expert Ivan Yeung returns from England and happens to come across a grenade case by accident. Ivan's skills are highly appreciated by senior chemist Ko Yin-Bok and he is invited to join the Forensic Division. Meanwhile, other members of the team are caught in an explosive incident that ends up changing team dynamics.
Hard-boiled private dick Hamilton Nash is hired to investigate a case of stolen diamonds, which leads him to a lovely and odd young woman named Gabrielle, who believes she has been stricken with the ancient curse of the Dain family. The curse has historically caused its victims to die prematurely.
After getting a divorce from her husband, Ling Xunxun decides to celebrate her singlehood. However on her way to a party, her car collided with a luxurious car on the roadside. The owner of the car Cheng Li, a young man who appears to be a university graduate, asked her for a huge amount of compensation. What makes the situation worse is that the he also turns out to be the boss of her new company.
In this special season of Air Crash Investigation, every episode examines multiple aviation disasters that prove to have similarities including; engines that separated from their aircrafts mid-flight, mismatched pilot pairings that led to deadly crashes, and improvised landings with tragic consequences.
Trevor's World of Sport began as a 2003 BBC television sitcom written and directed by Andy Hamilton and starring Neil Pearson as Trevor. Only one television series was made, and Hamilton felt mistreated by the BBC over the scheduling of the show. The first episode attracted an average of 3.4 million viewers, dropping to 2.9 million for the second and third episodes. The subsequent episodes were rescheduled from Friday evenings to Monday nights, despite the Radio Times issues having already been published listing the originally scheduled transmission dates. Hamilton went public with his displeasure over the show's scheduling and vowed never to work for BBC1 again, though he has since changed his mind. A radio version was first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2004, with subsequent series in 2005 and 2007. The series is set in the world of TS Sports – a sports public relations firm, run by Trevor Heslop and his partner, the lascivious Sammy Dobbs. Trevor is portrayed as an essentially decent, honest man in the corrupt money-obsessed industry of sporting celebrity, who is still deeply in love with his estranged wife Meryl. Andy Hamilton also appears in a minor role within the show, and several actors who have worked in his other comedy shows for television and radio appear. Neil Pearson was in Hamilton's Drop the Dead Donkey, as was Michael Fenton Stevens who plays TS Sports' only regular client, fading celebrity Ralph Renton.
The history of the Phoenix Restaurant is closely intertwined with the stories of four women of different generations. It portrays the commonest marital problems and various kinds of stress suffered by women over the centuries.
Century City is an American science fiction-legal drama television series set in Los Angeles in the year 2030.