The "Evil Corps," led by Don, are on a mission to conquer the universe. They set out to invade Earth first, but they struggle as some quirky Earthlings stand in their way. Eventually Don's plan to invade Earth becomes distorted...?!
Karma is a 25 part Indian weekly superhero-fantasy television drama aired on STAR Plus from August 27, 2004 to February 11, 2005 on Friday nights. Karma, directed by Pawan Kaul and written by Subodh Chopra, involves the battle between good and evil as the titular superhero faced off against demonic evil. The main cast of the show was Siddharth Choudhary in the titular role of Karma, Riva Bubber and Tinu Anand. In 2007, the drama was re-aired on STAR Utsav.
When he was a little child, Halil İbrahim lost his father due to a blood feud and was exiled to Istanbul. Twenty years later, he returns to his homeland in the Karadeniz region as a handsome, powerful young man. He plans to marry the girl he loves, Yasemin, and start a new life. However, events do not allow this. Halil İbrahim embarks on a journey of revenge, and his life will change completely when he encounters Zeynep from the Leto family.
Alize, who lost her mother the day she was born, is a beautiful but very selfish young girl who was spoiled and raised by her father. Alize, who goes crazy when she learns that her father is getting remarried, decides to fake a marriage with a man he would never allow her to marry in order to take revenge. However, things will not go as planned
Radio Active was a Canadian television program broadcast on YTV, based on the Quebec French series Radio Enfer, about group of students at Upper Redwood High managing their own school radio station, called Radio Active. Radio Active had a total of 78 episodes and three seasons dating from 1998–2001.
Set in the late 1930s to late 1940s in Canton, Republic of China during World War II, No Regrets is an epic drama that centers on a triad family, the Canton police force, and the Japanese occupation of the city.
Liverpool, 2022 - Ashley Dale and nine-year-old Olivia Pratt-Korbel are shot dead at home, victims of feuding gangs. Can the police bring the killers to justice?
Ray Mears explores wildlife around Great Britain.
The Texan was a Western television series starring popular B movie actor Rory Calhoun, which aired on the CBS television network from 1958 to 1960.
A long-running late night television show on ITV which was made first by LWT and then Granada Productions. It featured a number of clips from unusual or (often unintentionally) amusing television programmes and commercials from around the world.
Asaba Naoyuki is an ordinary high school student. As a member of his school's press club, he's just spent the summer camping outside the local military base, in hopes of seeing the UFOs that are secretly kept there, according to local legend. Returning to school, he meets a strange girl, Iriya Kana, and gradually comes to realize that she is more than merely strange - and that a dark secret lies beneath the world that he knows.
Wie Dae-Han is an ex-lawmaker and is a materialistic kind of politician. He wants to get elected as lawmaker again. One day, 18-year-old girl Da-Jung comes to him. She tells him that he is her real father. Her mother raised four children, including Da-Jung, alone, but she died in a hit-and-run accident. Da-Jung is the only one now taking care of her 3 younger siblings. Wie Dae-Han accepts Da-Jung and her 3 younger siblings. He carries out “The Great Show” to become a lawmaker again.