My Knight and Me is a medieval comedy led by Jimmy the Squire, his father Henri the Knight and Cat, the rebel princess who stages their incredibly zany adventures against evil witches, dragons and giant cyclopes. With Henri's unique enthusiasm, Cat's gumption, and Jimmy's faultless reasoning, our heroes are setting out to make the Dark Ages a little less dark and a whole lot more fun!
Four finalists compete for the grand title of Top Chef VIP and a prize of $200,000.
Hazal, beautiful young girl is engajed with Kenan, handsome young fisherman. The day before their wedding, Hazal is forced to marry Vural, successful businessman who fall in love with her since the first time he saw her working on his birthday party as a waitress. Vurals first wife, Naz, was just alike Hazal, and thats the reason why Vural fell in love with her so much, since Naz died 2 years ago and now he finds a replacement of her in Hazal. The story is telling us about the love story between Kenan who thought Hazal dumped him just for money and higher society life and who became a successful businessman with the aim of avenging them , and Hazal who tries to forget all she has been through and the way Vural stole her dreams and youth, and of course Vural who is still waiting for Hazal to love him as much as she loves Kenan.
When mafia lawyer Björn attends a mindfulness class to find a better work-life balance, he discovers surprising new coping strategies — including murder.
Bobby Generic lives in a typical suburban neighborhood and uses his overactive imagination to discover a world of daring adventure, incredible wonder and lots of laughs — all in pint-sized perspective.
Billy Connolly is back with the fourth in his massively popular World Tour series. This time Billy journey's to the other side of the globe to New Zealand, a country he has been visiting since the 1970s and of which he is immensely fond. Billy's extraordinary journey covers the length and breadth of New Zealand and is mixed with the best of his comedy from sell-out shows around the country.Filmed in 2004 during the first leg of his Too Old To Die Young Tour this series is a stunning journey around New Zealand's two islands from the Southern-most tip to the far north where the Tasman Sea meets the Pacific. Along the way Billy takes in Maori traditions, sand paintings, whale-watching, a 90 mile beach and much more to give us a fascinating insight into the spectacular scenery, culture and people of this amazing country.
The long, cold winter has just hit New England, and while the bluefin tuna season has come to an end in Gloucester, Mass., it’s just getting started in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. After a disappointing season, several of Gloucester’s top fishermen head south to try to salvage their finances by fishing for the elusive bluefin tuna in unfamiliar Carolina waters before the experienced locals beat them to the catch. It’s a whole new battlefield and the Northern captains must conquer new styles of fishing, treacherous waters and the wrath of the Outer Banks’ top fishermen. They’re gambling on what could be a massive payday … or a huge financial loss.
A sex icon becomes a spy during one of the most important wars of the 20th century. To survive, Margaret becomes an exotic dancer after her husband leaves her. When the world stands on the edge of WWI, she becomes Mata Hari, a spy with unprecedented access to the European elite.
A unique intellectual entertainment program presenting numerous challenging problems that have even troubled genius mathematicians. The beautiful yet mysterious realm of knowledge, are thoroughly explored in 30-minute episodes, each focused on one topic, all without resorting to any gags, for utmost clarity and understanding.
Koekedoortjie follows on the heels of the diminutive Kokkedoortjie, a cooking competition spin-off from Kokkedoor. Mari-Louis Guy and Nic van Wyk will again be the judges of the new show that will be filmed in Cape Town at Atlantic Studios.
A mockumentary featuring an animated tale of an average person who slowly becomes an otaku (obsessive fanatic) and eventually becomes the "Otaking"! Between story segments, live action interviews with fictional die-hard otakus take place.
Pânico na Band is a Brazilian comedy television show produced and broadcast by Rede Bandeirantes. Is the second television version of Brazilian radio program Pânico, succeeding the Pânico na TV, broadcast by RedeTV! until 2012. The show debuted on Bandeirantes in April 1, 2012.
Ghost Story is an American television anthology series that aired for one season on NBC from 1972 to 1973. Executive-produced by William Castle, it initially featured supernatural entities such as ghosts, vampires, and witches. By mid-season, low ratings led to a shift -- for the most part -- away from paranormal themes and a title change to Circle of Fear.