Citizen James is a BBC sitcom that ran for three series between 24 November 1960 and 23 November 1962. The show featured comedian and actor Sid James and Sydney Tafler with Bill Kerr and Liz Fraser appearing in early episodes. It was initially written by the comedy writing team of Galton and Simpson, who based the characters very much on the "Sidney Balmoral James" and "Bill Kerr, the dim-witted Australian" roles that they had played in Hancock's Half Hour. The first series was set around 'Charlie's Nosh Bar', a cafe in Soho, and centred around Sid's get-rich-quick schemes. He is helped by "Billy the Kerr" and quite often frustrated by the local bookmaker Albert Welshman. Liz Fraser played Sid's long-suffering girlfriend who has been waiting for seven years for Sid to set the date. Changes were made to the format after the first series. Sid James' character was changed to be something of a people's champion, campaigning for social justice. Bill Kerr and Liz Fraser departed and Sidney Tafler played a different character: Charlie Davenport. The location switched from Soho to Sid and Charlie sharing a house. Later episodes were written by then Morecambe & Wise writers Sid Green and Dick Hills.
Jin Geum Seong is a poor nobleman who lives with his mother and making ends meet is challenging. While gathering wood on the mountain, he spies a woman swimming nearby. Believing she is about to take her life, he creates a disturbance allowing him to save Choi Hye Seong, the third daughter of Choi Jin Sa. Only things are not as they seem when she turns out to be a man named 'Salbyul,' Love will bloom between Hye Seong and Geum Seong, much like a flower on a warm spring day.
The series takes viewers into the secret life of one of the largest and most unique wildlife sanctuaries in the world – Chimp Haven—a 200-acre refuge tucked deep in the forested heart of Louisiana, which is home to more than 300 chimpanzees.
Carpenter Clint Harp hits the road in search of incredible historical structures across the country that are in need of restoration, while exploring their origins and dreaming of their futures.
Archaeologist and explorer Ella al-Shamahi heads for South America, in search of legendary cities and civilisations
Heir Chen Zhuo goes undercover as a security guard at Xu Meiying's company to uncover the truth behind his mother's death, only to unexpectedly become her live-in son-in-law. Meanwhile, his ambitious twin brother, Chen Yue, impersonates him to secure the family inheritance. Under mounting family pressure, he faces challenges that lead him to confront deception and seek a fresh start.
Clash! is a comedy game show which aired on Ha! from May 1, 1990 to March 31, 1991 and on Comedy Central from April 1 to December 28. The show was produced and hosted by Billy Kimball, and the theme song was composed by Carter Burwell. Episodes were broadcast weekdays at 10:30 AM and 6:30 PM.
In Jurassic CSI, dino detective Dr. Phil Manning launches a full-scale investigation to unearth how dinosaurs really looked and lived. Jurassic CSI goes into the minds, under the skin and inside the bones of the biggest, most impressive beasts ever to walk the planet. Dr. Manning doesn’t stick to convention –or even his own discipline– on his perpetual quest to expand what we know about dinosaurs. With privileged access to some of the world’s most sophisticated technologies –from crime scene 3D mapping technology to an image machine one million times stronger than a chest X-ray– Jurassic CSI challenges long-held assumptions and poses radical questions about our understanding of dinosaurs.
When patriarch Jack Praal is confronted with his biggest fear and his youngest son Dirk is linked to the death of a woman, the family gets trapped into a web of intrigue and betrayal. During the course of five weeks the series follows the family members who put their own interests aside in order to save everything. But not everyone is playing a fair game, which seems to result in the inevitable downfall of the once so close Praal family.
Tyson Fury: The Gypsy King offers exclusive, behind-the-scenes access to one of sports most flamboyant and controversial characters Tyson Fury and his larger than life family. Giving viewers an unprecedented insight into the life of one of the most fascinating and controversial figures in British sport.
A drama depicting the life of Jang Hee Bin, who raised up as a royal concubine in the midst of political struggle during the reign of King Sukjong (Joseon).
The fifth season of Pepito Manaloto is the continuing comedic chronicle of the life of Pepito Manaloto, a lucky multimillion lotto winner, his family, and the merry mix of neighbors and colleagues. The program reflects the humorous realities of everyday Filipino life, highlighting family values that help the lead characters to face challenges with optimism, and celebrating the special, happy moments - big or small- that we all aspire to share with our loved ones. Set in the present-day, the stories are based on real-life experiences and portrayed with humor and wit by the country’s top-notch comedians, led by the show’s creator, lead star, and director, Michael V.