Night Raid 1931, is a Japanese anime television series produced by A-1 Pictures and Aniplex and directed by Jun Matsumoto. The 13-episode anime aired in Japan on the TV Tokyo television network starting April 5, 2010. Senkō no Night Raid is the second project of Anime no Chikara. Sentai Filmworks acquired the series and released it on Blu-ray and DVD in August 2011.
An honest and unique look into what it means to be young, black, and in constant pursuit of one's dreams in the heart of South Los Angeles.
Ten years ago, the hero Max defeated the Demon Lord. In order to regain his power, the Demon Lord went into a deep slumber...but when he awakens, his body is only a chibi version of its fearsome form. Now curious to see what his enemy is up to, the Demon Lord visits Max, only to discover the mighty hero living in a dirty one-room apartment. The Demon Lord decides to move in with Max and help his old enemy become a formidable opponent once more!
A south African series that takes place in the work and life environment of the emergency response task force, where the pressure is sky high and the room for error is tiny. Now that the task force has just been set up by the Western Cape police - as a way to combat the rapidly increasing cases of missing persons in South Africa - the members of the task force have a seemingly impossible task at hand: to find the missing persons in Cape Town and bring them home one by one.
CNN Live Today was an American television news program on CNN. It aired weekdays from 10:00 a.m. ET to 12:00 p.m., and also during Your World Today from 12:20 p.m. ET to 12:32 p.m. It was last anchored by Daryn Kagan. Previous hosts include Rick Sanchez and Leon Harris.
It tells a story that how two young women become close friends by having dinners together. They happened to be arranged seated at the same table one time they went to eat out alone. At that time, they were both bothered by relationships, and from the first accidental dinner together, multiple dinners then followed, over which they open up to each other their relationship troubles, get closer and develop an unusual friendship.
Returning to its roots, Ken Shimura's classic comedy sketches will be revived, with each episode taking place in a different setting, such as a doctor's office, a park, a police box, an interrogation room, and a train. Of course, well-known characters such as Hen na Ojisan (Weird Uncle) and Grandma Hitomi will make appearances. In addition, the program will also include a location corner where the members will go out of the studio and visit all over Japan to meet local people and introduce their hometown pride!
Hyun, a high school student, writes down his feelings for his friend Dong Ho in his diary. Then, Dong Ho sees the diary, and the two talk to confirm their feelings for each other. Can the ending for these two be a happy one?
An expository travel around planet Earth with the whole family. Travel across exotic locations, while being interesting for children at the same time.
An established racketeer from Almaty wakes up from a 23-year-long coma.
Khaled, the owner of a big imports/exports business, gets in trouble when his son gets kidnapped by an organ trafficking organization. Joined by his wife, he travels searching for his son, and decides to infiltrate the criminal organization by working with them. Eventually, he faces several shocks and surprises involving his closest friends.
Shi Yi was once feared by men as a bloodthirsty demoness, killing hundreds. No one could stand in her way. But scared of the woman she'd become, Shi Yi's treasured blood slave Yi Ling stabbed her and imprisoned her in ice. Now 200 years later, Shi Yi is free from her prison but with no knowledge of who she is. Still plagued by blood rage when she uses her powers, she finds her way into the care of the seemingly familiar Hua Yu Tang, who promises to heal her from this mysterious ailment.