The Adventures of Shirley Holmes is a Canadian mystery TV series that originally aired from 1997 to 2000. The show was created by Ellis Iddon and Phil Meagher who had produced a successful series of books with Harper Collins, teaming up with Credo and Forefront to develop the TV series. Filmed in Winnipeg, Manitoba, the series follows the life of Shirley Holmes, the great grand-niece of Sherlock Holmes who, with the help of ex-gang member Bo Sawchuk, tackles a variety of mysteries in and around the fictional Canadian city of Redington. On some occasions, she found herself matching wits with archnemesis Molly Hardy. The show has been broadcast in over 80 countries and has been dubbed in French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Norwegian, Polish and Turkish. Her performance in the show led to actress Meredith Henderson being nominated for a Gemini Award in 1998 and winning one in 1999. The show itself was twice nominated for a Gemini Award in the category "Best Children's or Youth Program or Series" in 1998 and eventually won it in 1999. In the spring of 1998 Susin Nielsen won a Gemini Award in the category "Best Writing in a Children's or Youth Program" for her screenplay of the episode "The Case of the Burning Building". In the same year, Elizabeth Stewart won a WGC Award from the Writers Guild of Canada for her writing of the episode "The Case of the Maestro's Ghost".
Going to school and making new friends can be tough. Having to do both while wearing a bulky hearing aid on your chest? That takes superpowers! With a little help from her superhero alter ego, El Deafo, Cece learns to embrace her differences.
Goldie Gold and Action Jack is a 1981 American animated series produced by Ruby-Spears that aired for one season on ABC. It follows the random adventures of wealthy teenage girl, Goldie Gold, who owns the Gold Street Journal, and her ace reporter companion, Action Jack Travis, plus Goldie's dog, Nugget. Thirteen episodes were produced.
Ring Raiders is an animated television series based on a 1980s toy line made by Matchbox.
This is the story of a young couple, Dafne and Gabriel, who are separated by her grandfather Jaques, a millionaire who couldn’t handle that his granddaughter was in love with a poor guy. After an accident, Jacques is presumed dead and leaves his business to Dafne, but on the sole condition that she marries. Judith, her grandfather‘s stepdaughter, takes over the business temporarily and schemes to pair Dafne with her brother Nicholas in order to consolidate her claim. Dafne and Gabriel meet again when his unkown daughter decides to find her father, but discover that a passion is only completed when one fulfills the other‘s dream.
Nearly 40 years after his summertime reign of terror on the streets of Los Angeles, the myth of the "Night Stalker" still looms large. Now, a series of prison recordings of Richard Ramirez unearths new truths
Greg James will oversee the action as the Grafters work hard to complete a series of gruelling games and challenges to build a cash prize fund only the Rulers can win. The Rulers must encourage the Grafters to work harder, but if they push them too hard, they might find themselves toppled from power. Anyone can rise to a position of power and anyone can fall, but only one Ruler can win the prize fund at the end of the game. Who rises and who falls will be decided by the other Players.
Britain is famed the World over for its abundance of eccentrics, most of whom can normally be found tinkering in a shed somewhere. In this hugely popular series, the UK’s favourite biker, Henry Cole, and his best friend, engineering genius Sam Lovegrove, continue their quest to discover amazing vintage vehicles buried in the nation's sheds, to buy, fix up and move on for a tidy profit.
The members of this elite investigative team are unique individuals with their own personal troubles, but what unites them is their strong sense of justice. They each channel all their energy and skill to solve the most difficult cases.
A dead-pan snarker takes a look at movies ranging from nostalgic to mainstream to obscure and gives them a thorough beatdown.