The Legend of Snow White is a Japanese anime series produced by Tatsunoko Production and based on the European fairy tale. Directed by Tsuneo Ninomiya and using a screenplay written by Jinzō Toriumi, the series premiered on NHK on April 6, 1994 and ran for 52-episodes until its conclusion on March 29, 1995. The series uses two pieces of theme music: one opening theme, "Heart no mori e tsuretette" by Miki Sakai with Red Dolphins, and one ending theme, "Folk Dance" by Mebae Miyahara.
With tons of optimism, and strength to match, fun-loving 9-year-old Pippi Longstocking resides at rustic Villa Villekulla with her pet monkey and horse, sailing into adventures with her friends Tommy and Annika. Based on the books by Astrid Lindgren.
Could you fall in love with the perfect property without knowing where it was?! Steve Jones helps families find their dream home without revealing the location.
One day, Taichi, an ordinary university student, meets Mioka, a girl who is like a storm. Taichi finds himself drawn to Mioka, who lives freely as she wishes without holding back, and they eventually fall in love. However, Mioka tells Taichi of her shocking truth. She has an incurable brain disease, with no medicine or treatment that can help her.
Roger Mooking has a fascination with fire. The chef enjoys finding inventive ways to cook with fire, which is exactly what he does in this series that takes him on a journey across the U.S. He visits pit-masters, chefs and home cooks who use fire to create complex, flavorful dishes. The people Mooking visits don't simply turn on a stove and start cooking; their methods include cooking over an open fire in a rustic chuck wagon and smoking meats in a former airplane that a mechanic has transformed into a smoker.
Who We Are is an LGBTQ web series that tells the story of Ana and Mia, two completely different women, but whose paths will cross, and from then on, nothing will be the same.
Fast-Forward is a five-episode documentary series that looks into the future through emerging technologies aimed to tackle some of the most vital challenges that the world is facing today.
The Cosby Mysteries was an American television mystery series that starred Bill Cosby. It is the first television series to star Cosby since The Cosby Show and lasted only one season. Actor/Rapper Mos Def appeared in several episodes.
In the Silver Dimension, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei plan to enroll in an elite academy as sworn brothers, but KO One visitors derail the plan.
The Angelic Guard, who call the heavens their home, have been tasked with collecting the orbs scattered across the world. Lucifer—a leader of the Angelic Guard with a rebellious streak, said to wield power rivaling the Almighty—carries out her duty along with Uriel, also a leader of the guard. Together, they go about executing their mission, until Holy Magistrate Keter—the one who leads the heavens under the Almighty's will—tells Uriel of Lucifer's planned rebellion. Initially in disbelief, Uriel then learns that the accusations against Lucifer may be connected to an event that once threatened to shatter the heavens.
The fifth season of Pepito Manaloto is the continuing comedic chronicle of the life of Pepito Manaloto, a lucky multimillion lotto winner, his family, and the merry mix of neighbors and colleagues. The program reflects the humorous realities of everyday Filipino life, highlighting family values that help the lead characters to face challenges with optimism, and celebrating the special, happy moments - big or small- that we all aspire to share with our loved ones. Set in the present-day, the stories are based on real-life experiences and portrayed with humor and wit by the country’s top-notch comedians, led by the show’s creator, lead star, and director, Michael V.
The main character is an average person with average parameters: a wife, two children, a modest job, a modest salary. There is nothing unusual about Sergei Nedelin, except for one strange hobby: he likes to wander through the evening streets, look into windows and storefronts. Life is raging everywhere, and only his existence seems poor and squalid to him.
Dr. George Coleman is a top veterinarian with an impressive list of famous animal patients at the Crane Animal Hospital—a bustling New York City veterinary practice where it often seems as if the patients are running the place. Much to his chagrin, George recently learned that his ex-girlfriend, Dorothy Crane, has inherited the family business and is now George's boss.
Ryuichiro's bride, company president Mayumi Kitahara dies, leaving him to take care of her daughter Natsumi. Natsumi moves into Ryuichiro's flat, but he sets to work to be the father she never had.
A thriller about five friends who, after their graduation from the AUC, start working for Professor Selim Mansour, who is involved in illegal activities. But in the wake of a murder, everything changes.