Ellen is an American television sitcom that aired on the ABC network from March 29, 1994 to July 22, 1998, consisting of 109 episodes. The title role of Ellen Morgan, played by stand-up comedian Ellen DeGeneres, was a neurotic bookstore owner in her thirties. The series centered on Ellen's dealing with her quirky friends, her family and the problems of daily life. The series is notable for being the first one in which the main character came out as gay, which DeGeneres' character did in the 1997 episode "Puppy Episode". This event received a great deal of media exposure, ignited controversy, and prompted ABC to place a parental advisory at the beginning of each episode. The series' theme song, "So Called Friend" is by Scottish band Texas. A running gag was that each episode had a distinct opening credits sequence, resulting from Ellen's ongoing search for the perfect opening credits.
America's Funniest Home Videos is the longest-running primetime entertainment show in ABC history. Each week AFV shines the spotlight on hilarious videos. Fans tune in to witness failures and fiascos and to submit their own mishaps for their chance at stardom.
Dave's World is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from 1993 to 1997. The series is based on the writing of Miami Herald columnist Dave Barry.
The Oprah Winfrey Show, often referred to simply as Oprah, is an American syndicated talk show that aired nationally for 25 seasons from 1986 to 2011. Produced and hosted by its namesake, Oprah Winfrey, it remains the highest-rated talk show in American television history. The show was highly influential, and many of its topics penetrated into the American pop-cultural consciousness. Winfrey used the show as a platform to teach and inspire, providing viewers with a positive, spiritually uplifting experience by featuring book clubs, compelling interviews, self-improvement segments, and philanthropic forays into world events. The show gained credibility by not trying to profit off the products it endorsed; it had no licensing agreement with retailers when products were promoted, nor did the show make any money from endorsing books for its book club. Oprah is one of the longest-running daytime television talk shows in history. The show received 47 Daytime Emmy Awards before Winfrey decided to stop submitting it for consideration in 2000.
Tough cop Detective Chief Superintendent Cradock is assigned to track down & bring to justice the criminals behind the daring theft of five and half million pounds worth of gold bullion from an airfield in the South of England.
Earth Star Voyager is the name of a science fiction television movie shown on the Wonderful World of Disney in 1988. The show aired as a two-part pilot, but was never picked up for a series and has not been released on DVD, although a fan base for the pilot has grown over the years.
An omnibus-style romance drama following three love stories that take place in the hot spring towns of Ikaho, Minamiizu, and Ito.
Wheel of Fortune (IR) Hosted by Arash Estilaf, this game show features 3 contestants who try to solve a puzzle by spinning the wheel and guessing letters in a word or phrase. Aliases * Charkh Shans Charkhe Shans Charkh-e Shans
Fearless and bold DCP Brinda Basu becomes desperate to track down the person behind her daughter's disappearance. Amidst the truth and lies, will Brinda be able to get back her daughter fighting against the odds?
A travel program in which the actor and musician, Seiji Rokkaku, rediscovers Japan through his unique perspectives on railways and ... alcohol. On his journeys, he makes impromptu stops along the way, and embarks on an exploration of sake breweries and railway heritage. All of this is accompanied by Rokkaku's own or recommended music.
Weekly magazine looking at the crazy world of Football
Journey with Kirk Johnson to Yellowstone, where wolves, grizzlies, beavers and Great Gray owls survive one of the greatest seasonal changes on the planet. As the temperature swings 140 degrees, cameras capture how the animals cope.
It's the First World War. Our nation's heroes are fighting the good fight on foreign soil, but in one sleepy English village three young men remain: George is a conscientious objector, Cecil has flat feet and Bert really is a coward, unfortunately. They don't fight on the front line, but they do fight each other.
A gravure idol, Asada Misako, plays the main character Charady. Other characters are played by the students of Kyoto University of Art and Design Department of Character Designing. It is a short comedy animation about jokes from all parts of the world.
Presented by journalist and true crime author Geoffrey Wansell, Murder by the Sea examines strange murders recorded at famous seaside resorts in the United Kingdom.